On Thursday, October 13, 2011, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen
Township met in regular session at 7:00 PM at the Nimishillen Township Hall
located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present: Trustee
President Michael L. Lynch, Trustee Vice President Allen E. Gress, Trustee Lisa
R. Shafer and Fiscal Officer Barry L. Evans.
The Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township, Stark County, Ohio met in a regular meeting on the 13th day of October, 2011 at 7:00 PM with the following members present:
Michael L. Lynch
Allen E. Gress
Lisa R. Shafer
ALLEN E. GRESS motioned to support the proposed Stark County Sales Tax with the following resolution:
WHEREAS; due to revenue decreases, County government, including primarily the jail, courts, prosecutor and other offices providing criminal justice services, have been cut by 15%; and major additional cuts of up to 40% to these offices need to be made in 2012;
2011, October 13 Trustees
Minutes (Cont.)
WHEREAS; Stark County voters are being asked to vote for a one-half percent sales tax (Issue 29) on the November 8, 2011 ballot, to pay for Criminal and Administrative Justice services for a period of 8 years;
WHEREAS; without the sales tax, the county jail, with a capacity of 501 beds, will be reduced to as few as 122 beds, which means that only the most serious criminals will be held in jail;
WHEREAS; the impact will be felt across Stark County, regardless of where you live and regardless of whether your own community has its own police department; police can still arrest but there will be no place to house criminals beyond the 122 limit;
WHEREAS; the sales tax rate in Stark County is 5.75%; 5.5% goes to the State of Ohio and .25% goes to SARTA; none goes to Stark County government;
WHEREAS; Stark is the only county in Ohio without a sales tax for county operations; if the sales tax is passed in November, Stark County will still have the lowest sales tax rate in Ohio;
WHEREAS; the sales tax is needed for continued public services, public safety and quality of life in Stark County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the TRUSTEES OF NIMISHILLEN TOWNSHIP supports and endorses the proposed sales tax issue for Stark County, Issue 29.
LISA R. SHAFER seconded the motion and upon roll call, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael L. Lynch - YES
Allen E. Gress - YES
Lisa R. Shafer - YES
2011, October 13 Trustees
Minutes (Cont.)
2011, October 13 Trustees
Minutes (Cont.)
2011, October 13 Trustees
Minutes (Cont.)
TO: 01-A-16 General Health District
FROM: 01-A-21 Election Expenses $ 1,058
TO: 10-A-01
FROM: 10-A-08 Equipment $
FROM: 10-A-14B Insurance Vehicle Bldg. $ 12,000
FROM: 10-A-15 Other Expenses $ 8,000
FROM: 10-A-14 Insurance $ 8,300
FROM: 10-A-10 Repairs $ 3,000
TO: 03-A-06 Repairs
03-B-04 Other Expenses $ 3,000
2011, October 13 Trustees
Minutes (Cont.)
__ ____________________ ___________________________________
ATTEST: Barry L. Evans Trustee Michael L. Lynch, President
Fiscal Officer
Trustee Allen E. Gress, Vice President
____ _________________________
Trustee Lisa R. Shafer