Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

Organizational Meeting

January 10, 2008





















On Thursday, January 10, 2008, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in special session at 6:30 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE for the purpose of organization and to transact any necessary business that may lawfully be conducted at this annual organizational meeting.  Roll call was taken and the following members were present:  Trustees Lisa R. Shafer, Michael L. Lynch, Allen Gress and Fiscal Officer Barry Evans.


The Fiscal Officer opened the meeting and asked for nominations for President of the Board of Trustees.  Allan Gress moved to nominate Mike Lynch for President of the Board of Trustees for 2008 seconded by Lisa Shafer.  With no further nominations, roll call voting is as follows: Gress – yes, Shafer – yes and Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED  RES#08-001


The Fiscal Officer asked for nominations for Vice President of the Board of Trustees.  Mike Lynch moved to nominate Lisa Shafer as Vice President of the Board of Trustees for 2008, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  With no further nominations, roll call voting is as follows: Lynch – yes, Shafer – yes and Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-002


The meeting was then turned over to the Board President, Mike Lynch.


The first order of business was to appoint representatives to fill positions on various committees.


Ψ      Stark Council of Government (SCOG): Mike Lynch moved to appoint Lisa Shafer to serve as representative, seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting: Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-003


Ψ      Ohio Public Works Commission Project Manager (OPWC): Lisa Shafer moved to appoint Allen Gress to serve as project manager, seconded by Mike Lynch.  Roll call voting: Lisa Shafer – yes, Mike Lynch – yes and Allen Gress- yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-004


Ψ      Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): Mike Lynch moved to appoint Lisa Shafer to serve as representative, seconded by Allen Gress. Roll call voting:  Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes. MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-005


Ψ      Stark County Regional Planning Commission (RPC): Lisa Shafer moved to appoint Mike Lynch and Allen Gress as representative and Keith Lasure as Alternate seconded by Allen Gress. Roll call voting: Mike Lynch – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Allen Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-006


Ψ      Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC): Allen Gress moved to appoint Mike Lynch and Allen Gress as representative seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer– yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED. RES#08-007


APPOINT CONTACT PERSON FOR RANDOM DRUG TESTING: After discussion, Mike Lynch moved to appoint Lisa Shafer to serve as the contact person for random drug testing in 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.   Roll call voting: Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-008


ANNUAL REGIONAL PLANNING DINNER IN  MARCH 2008: After discussion, Allen Gress moved that the township pay for the township employees and zoning boards to attend the Annual RPC Dinner in March 2008 at Skyland Pines and any elected officials of the township will pay for their own dinner seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting: Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-009




January 10, 2008 Organizational Meeting (Cont.)


HOST OHIO TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION MEETING IN JUNE: After discussion, Mike Lynch moved to host the OTA meeting in June 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-010


DAY & TIME OF TRUSTEES MEETINGS: After discussion, Mike Lynch moved to maintain the same meeting day and time, which is the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM seconded by Allen Gress. Roll call voting: Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-011


RETAIN ALL APPOINTED, HOURLY & SALARIED PERSONNEL: After discussion, Mike Lynch moved to retain all appointed, hourly and salaried personnel for 2008, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Roll call voting: Mike Lynch – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Allen Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-112


RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS FOR 2007: The Fiscal Officer asked the Board for a Resolution to transfer funds for the year 2008.  Lisa Shafer moved to allow the Fiscal Officer to transfer funds for 2008 seconded by Mike Lynch.  Roll call voting: Lisa Shafer – yes, Mike Lynch – yes and Allen Gress – yes. MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-113


WINTER CONFERENCE – COLUMBUS, OH: After discussion, Mike Lynch moved to authorize payment by the township for attendance at the Winter Conference in Columbus, Ohio for all three trustees and the fiscal officer seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-114


CHANGE NOV. 27TH AND DEC. 25TH  TRUSTEES MEETING DATES: After discussion, Lisa Shafer moved to change the November 27th Trustees Meeting to November 25th  due to Thanksgiving and change the December 25th Trustees Meeting to December 18th due to Christmas seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting: Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-115



ADJOURN: With no further business to discuss, Lisa Shafer moved to close the Organizational Meeting at 6:45 PM seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting: Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes. MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-115A





______________________________                        __________________________________

Attest:       Fiscal Officer                                        Michael L.  Lynch, President

                 Barry Evans





                                                                               Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President






                                                                              Allen E. Gress, Trustee