Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees


Regular Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2008


























On Thursday, January 24, 2008, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 PM at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present:  Trustee President Michael L. Lynch, Trustee Vice President Lisa R. Shafer, Trustee Allen E. Gress and Fiscal Officer Barry Evans.


Mike Lynch called the meeting to order and led the staff and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.




Mike Lynch gave the invocation.




Gress introduced Todd Snitchler to speak to the audience while the trustees were in Executive Session.  Mr. Snitchler is running for Ohio House of Representatives 50th District and spoke on various issues.  Questions and answers followed.  (Flyer attached)




ALLEN GRESS MOTIONED TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 7:05 PM WITH ATTORNEY JIM MATHEWS to discuss pending litigation regarding Selective Insurance seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-128


ALLEN GRESS MOTIONED TO RETURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 7:20 PM seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-129


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Richard Peterson)


2007 Annual Fire Department Incident Report: After discussion and Chief Peterson stating there was a total of 1,271 runs, the Board approved the report.  Copies of the report are available at the township office.  (Copy attached)


Fire Prevention Grant Award - $1,600.00: The Chief reported the fire department received a fire prevention grant from Factory Mutual Insurance Company in the amount of $1,600.00.  The money will go towards the purchase of training materials and fire prevention related items. (Copy attached)


EMS Grant Award - $4,000.00: The EMS Grant Award is from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, which is generated from seat belt fines and other violations.  The $4,000.00 received will be used for training and equipment.  (Copy attached)


Approval of Embassy Switch Agreement with Canton City: Chief Peterson explained the embassy switch connects to Canton’s communications network and they have agreed to share it with several other municipalities.


ALLEN GRESS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE EMBASSY SWITCH AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CANTON seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-130


Resignations: After Chief Peterson read Jason Marshall’s letter of resignation, LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF JASON MARSHALL EFFECTIVE JAN. 19, 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-131  (Letter attached)


January 24, 2008 Minutes (Cont.)


Chief Peterson said the next one (Timothy Ray) is one of the new hires hired as a part-time civilian dispatcher.  After Mr. Ray was hired, he left a message that he took another job at Time Warner Cable.  Mr. Ray was asked to send something in writing and the Chief had left several messages but to date, nothing has been received from Mr. Ray.


ALLEN GRESS MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF TIMOTHY RAY FROM THE NIMISHILLEN TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch- yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-132


Schedule Annual Fire Department Overview Work Session with Trustees and Fiscal Officer: Because Jamie May is requesting the same for the road department, the Board agreed to hold both work sessions on Thursday, February 7TH @ Station #3 with the fire department at 7:00 and road department at 8:00 PM.  (Legal attached)


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Interim Road Superintendent Jamie May)


Road Report: LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE WRITTEN ROAD REPORT FOR JANUARY 24, 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-133  (Copy attached)




Keith Lasure touched on various zoning problems listed in his written zoning report one being the continuous garage sale on Easton.  After discussion, Attorney Jakmides asked the Board to authorize him to file suit against Bonnie Hoskins on Easton stating he would advance the cost.


LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE ATTORNEY JAKMIDES TO FILE SUIT AGAINST BONNIE HOSKINS for her continuous garage sale on Easton seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-134


Zoning Report: ALLEN GRESS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE WRITTEN ZONING REPORT FOR JANUARY 24, 2008 seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting: Allen Gress – yes, Lisa Shafer – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-135  (Copy attached)


EPA: (Keith Lasure)


Maplegrove Water Problem: Keith Lasure talked about a water situation on Maplegrove stating he, along with Trustee Gress and Jamie May, looked at the problem.  Lasure said he is meeting with Tyson from Stark Soil & Water tomorrow to look at the situation.  Lasure said he would have more information after the meeting.




Transfers per Res.#08-113:

     January 14, 2008:

     $5,000.00 from 10-A-8 Tools & Equipment to 10-A-10 Repairs


Request Tax Advance for February and July Real Estate Tax Settlement for 2008: LISA SHAFER MOTIONED APPROVAL FOR THE FISCAL OFFICER’S REQUEST FOR A TAX ADVANCE FOR FEBRUARY & JULY REAL ESTATE TAX SETTLEMENT FOR 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-136






January 24, 2008 Minutes (Cont.)




Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton asked questions regarding topics discussed at the 1/10/08 meeting:

Ψ      Transfer of $160,000.00

Ψ      How decision was made for pay increases for Keith Lasure and Sharon Shaub

Ψ      How many pending current lawsuits

Ψ      How may attorneys are currently employed by the township


Answers and explanations were given.


CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Mike Lynch, Lisa Shafer, Allen Gress)


BWC – 2% Premium Rebate Program: Allen Gress referred to a letter dated Nov. 14, 2007 regarding a 2% rebate.  After discussion, the Board asked Barry Evans to check on this and report back at the next meeting.




Drug Policy: Lisa Shafer reported she did not have the completed ‘blended’ policy and asked township secretary, Sharon Shaub, to send it to Attorney Tracey Laslo and then have it inserted into the Nimishillen Township Employee Handbook.




The Louisville High School Government class students were excused, and the elected officials signed their papers.




Health Care Plan:  After the Board went over the health care plans in open session and discussed the pros and cons of all plans submitted, Mike Lynch proposed to keep the top of the line Aultcare for the employees stating the township will pay in full for employees with single benefits and pay 80% of family coverage with the employee paying 20% of family coverage.  The Board agreed.


MIKE LYNCH THEN MOTIONED FOR THE BENEFIT YEAR STARTING FEBRUARY 1, 2008, THE TOWNSHIP WILL STAY WITH THE CURRENT HEALTH CARE PLAN with the township paying 100% of the premium for employees at the single rate and 80% of the premium for dependents with the employee being responsible for the other 20% seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Mike Lynch – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-137




LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 8:13 PM TO DISCUSS THE EVALUATION FOR CHIEF PETERSON seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-138


LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO RETURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 9:13 PM seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-139




LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE WRITTEN MINUTES FOR JANUARY 10, 2008 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-140


January 24, 2008 Minutes (Cont.)




LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO APPROVE ALL PURCHASE ORDERS, FINANCIAL REPORT AND PAY BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $61,785.80 seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-141




LISA SHAFER MOTIONED TO SIGN CHECKS AND ADJOURN AT 9:15 PM seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  RES#08-142

































































































































__________________________________              ___________________________________

Attest:       Fiscal Officer                                       Michael L. Lynch, President

                 Barry Evans






                                                                                   Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President







                                                                              Allen E. Gress, Trustee