Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

August 9, 2007


























































On Thursday, August 9, 2007, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present: Trustee President Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President Michael L. Lynch, Trustee Allen E. Gress, Fiscal Officer Carlene Harmon and Attorney Jeff Jakmides.


Trustee Shafer called the meeting to order and led the staff and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


INVOCATION: Trustee Lynch gave the invocation.


GUEST SPEAKER:  Stark County Commissioner Todd D. Bosley


Commissioner Bosley gave updates on the following topics:

Ψ      Water problems at St. Josephs Care Center

Ψ      Job creation in Stark County - showed video from Stark State College on the development of Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems Technology for future energy

Ψ      Landfill situation

Ψ      EMA / 911

Ψ      Consolidation of county departments (Sanitation Dept. and Stark County Engineers)

Ψ      Nimishillen Township Fire Department / Dispatch Center

Ψ      Francesca ditch project

Ψ      Molly Stark property

Ψ      Louisville tornado siren

Ψ      Drainage in Stark County

Ψ      Cellular monies – a SCOG issue

Ψ      Annexations

Ψ      License plate fee


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)


Security cameras for township buildings: Discussion was held regarding monitoring of all township buildings per Homeland Security recommendations.  Chief Peterson said he would check further regarding cost.


NIMS training for township officials and review & update of the Emergency Operation Plan: The deadline for the NIMS training is October 2007, which includes township officials.  If the deadline is not met, eligibility for federal grants goes down.  Chief Peterson said he would also like to do a review and update on the township’s Emergency Operation Plan.  A copy is at the Nimishillen Township Administration office on Nickelplate.


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Interim Road Superintendent, Jamie May)


Road Report:  TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO APPROVE the Road Report for August 9, 2007 as presented seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting: Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-302 (Copy attached)




Miller farm: Attorney Jakmides and Keith Lasure gave an update on the clean up of the Miller farm on Columbus Road.


Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

August 9, 2007 (Cont.)


Zoning Report:  TRUSTEE GRESS MOTIONED TO APPROVE the Zoning Report for August 9, 2007 as presented seconded by Trustee Lynch.  Roll call voting: Trustee Gress – yes, Trustee Lynch – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-303 (Copy attached)


Zoning Report for Stark County Auditor: TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO APPROVE the July 2007 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting: Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-304


Microphones: Keith Lasure asked the Board’s permission to get the three microphones on the recording table fixed.  The Board asked him to get estimates and report back.




Transfers Per Res#07-02: Mrs. Harmon made the following transfers on July 28, 2007:


Ψ      $12,000.00 from 4-B-01 Salaries to 4-B-02 Materials (Road Dept.)

Ψ      $12,000.00 from 11-B-01 Salaries to 11-C-02 Materials (Road Dept.)


Fire Financial Report / Fire Levy: Fiscal Officer, Carlene Harmon, gave a short financial report on the Fire Department (Attached) and asked the Board to pass a Resolution requesting that the County Auditor certify to the township the total current tax valuation of the subdivision and the dollar amount of revenue that would be granted by a new 2 mill fire levy.  This was tabled to later on in tonight’s meeting.


Excuse Fiscal Officer from the August 23rd meeting: The Board agreed to excuse Fiscal Officer, Carlene Harmon, from the August 23rd meeting.


Rubber Stamp Policy: Per the request of the State Auditors, Mrs. Harmon asked for a Resolution to approve the Rubber Stamp Policy.


TRUSTEE GRESS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE RUBBER STAMP POLICY retroactive to January 1, 2005 seconded by Trustee Lynch.  Roll call voting: Trustee Gress – yes, Trustee Lynch – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-305  (Copy attached)


Credit Card Policy: Per the request of the State Auditors, Mrs. Harmon asked for a Resolution to approve the Credit Card Policy.


TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO PASS THE CREDIT CARD POLICY retroactive to January 1, 2005 seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-306 (Copy attached)


Increase certificate $37,914.00 for insurance settlement in Fire Fund: TRUSTEE SHAFER MOTIONED TO INCREASE THE CERTIFICATE IN THE FIRE FUND $37,914.00 for the insurance settlement received seconded by Trustee Lynch.  Roll call voting: Trustee Shafer – yes, Trustee Lynch – yes and Trustee Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-307


Increase certificate $20,000.00 for additional revenue anticipated in EMS Fund: TRUSTEE GRESS MOTIONED TO INCREASE THE CERTIFICATE IN THE EMS Fund by $20,000.00 due to additional anticipated revenue seconded by Trustee Lynch.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Gress – yes, Trustee Lynch – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-308




Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

August 9, 2007 (Cont.)


CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Lisa R. Shafer, Michael L. Lynch, Allen E. Gress)


Public speaks: Trustee Shafer said since public speaks are now under control, she recommended to the Board residents who wish to speak can sign up the night of the meeting prior to entering the meeting room.  The cut-off time is 6:59 PM so Sharon can retrieve the sign-up sheet and give it to the Board.  Residents can also call the township office to sign up to speak.  The Board agreed.





Donna Fuller of 5857 Rosedale commended Chief Peterson and staff for the fine job they do, talked about water problems, thanked the Board and Commissioner Bosley for working together to try to solve several problems facing the township and talked about the importance of residents keeping their ditches clean.





TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:31 PM to discuss personnel issues requested by Chief Peterson and personnel issues requested by Trustee Shafer seconded by Trustee Gress:  Roll call voting:  Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-309


TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO RETURN FROM EXECUTIVE at 9:37 PM seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress –yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-310


TRUSTEE GRESS MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE ATTORNEY JEFF JAKMIDES to file subpoenas to Stark State College and Stark County Department of Job & Family Services for information regarding the payment of monies to Christopher Peterson seconded by Trustee Lynch.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Gress – yes, Trustee Lynch – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-311





TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO APPROVE the July 26, 2007 Minutes as written seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-312






TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO APPROVE ALL purchase orders, financial report and pay bills in the amount of $94,952.49 seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting: Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-313





TRUSTEE LYNCH MOTIONED TO SIGN CHECKS AND ADJOURN at 9:40 PM seconded by Trustee Gress.  Roll call voting:  Trustee Lynch – yes, Trustee Gress – yes and Trustee Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res.#07-314







Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

August 9, 2007 (Cont.)







_________________________________                  __________________________________

ATTEST: Carlene Harmon, Fiscal Officer                   Lisa R. Shafer, President







                                                                                                         Michael L. Lynch, Vice President







                                                                                    Allen E. Gress, Trustee