Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

March 22, 2007


























































On Thursday, March 22, 2007, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall with the following members present - Trustees: President Lisa R. Shafer, Trustee Allen E. Gress and Fiscal Officer Carlene Harmon.


President Shafer called the meeting to order and led the staff and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Lisa Shafer excused Trustee Mike Lynch from tonight’s meeting. 



ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Road Crew Member, Jamie May)


Work Session:  A work session was set with the Trustees, Fiscal Officer and Jamie May for Thursday, April 5, 2007 at 5:00 PM at the township garage to discuss the operation of the road department. 


Road Report:  Allen Gress motioned to approve the Road Report for March 22, 2007, as presented, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-09 (copy attached)




Zoning Report:  Allen Gress motioned to accept the Zoning Report for March 22, 2007, as written, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting: Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-092 (copy attached)


EPA REPORT: (Keith Lasure)


Keith Lasure reported he and Sharon Shaub will be attending a meeting at Stark Soil and Water from 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM on Thursday, March 29, 2007.  Allen Gress said he would like to attend also.




Resolution to Reduce Temporary Appropriations:  Because the Fiscal Officer didn’t have a solid figure to refinance the fire station loan, the auditors requested that the Temporary Appropriations be reduced.  Allen Gress motioned to reduce the Temporary Appropriations by $12,722.30 in the Debt Fund, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.   MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-093


Insurance Work Session on 4/12/07 @ 6:00 PM: Mrs. Harmon advised there will be three representatives giving presentations:  OTARMA, Leonard Insurance and a representative from the Ohio Plan.


CONCERNS OF CITIZENS: One resident signed up to speak at tonight’s meeting.


  • Steven Roberts of 6790 Pilot Knob presented a proposal to reconstruct the road department.  Mr. Roberts said this proposal is not intended to criticize any current or past road department employee, superintendent, trustee or any union affiliation and said



Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

March 22, 2007 (Cont.)


these are just some of his thoughts and ideas regarding the road department.  Discussion followed.  (copy attached)


Allen Gress explained that everything has been in limbo and until the union vote is held in April, no decision will be made.  Mr. Gress said the township’s goal is to get the work done in a timely and efficient manner and the supervisor or person in charge cannot be union.


Mr. Gress told Mr. Roberts he had some good ideas and they are workable and thanked him for taking the time to present his ideas to the Board.


Lisa Shafer said Mr. Roberts’ ideas speaks to the quality of work the trustees want and feels Mr. Roberts’ ideas could be a way to get there.  Mrs. Shafer said she would contact Mr. Roberts next week and go over some of his ideas with him.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)


Service Agreement with B & C Communications: After discussion, Allen Gress motioned to enter into a service agreement with B & C Communications to service the communications equipment for our township at a cost of $165.00 / mo., seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-094


  • Resident Oliver Simpson of 3510 Meese Road commented as to whether or not it was necessary to have a service agreement.  Discussion followed.


Lawn Service Bids: Chief Peterson explained they call companies in the area for bids for lawn service and said hopefully he will present them at the next meeting.


  • Resident Terri Fidelholtz of 2828 Ravenna suggested the road crew do lawn maintenance at the fire departments.  Jamie May said the road crew is set up to mow roadsides and they do not have the proper equipment to do lawn maintenance.


Communication Center Cut Over Date:  Chief Peterson said the cut over date is scheduled for March 29th, 2007.  He explained they are doing their CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) data load, which will be finished this weekend.  The user/operator training will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday will be the cut over.  He said he met with Tim Werstler and got all the trunk lines and ESN’s assigned, which they will be testing.  He said it looks like everything is on target for 3/29.


Allen Gress asked Chief Peterson about the school bus accident last week on Hahn and wanted to know if our system is in place to handle something like this.  The Chief said yes and discussion followed.


Mr. Gress then asked the Chief about the Stark County Fire Chief’s plans to develop an advisory committee for Stark County Emergency Management Agency.  All three trustees attended the meeting at the Stark County Commissioners on March 15th.  Discussion followed.






Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

March 22, 2007 (Cont.)


CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Lisa R. Shafer, Michael L. Lynch, Allen E. Gress)


Spring Newsletter:  Allen Gress said he has two general newsletters and showed one from Jackson Township, which is a map.  Mr. Gress said there’s a company who prepares this and they sell advertising to pay for it and said he would like to do this for Nimishillen Township.  These maps would be given to township residents.  Mr. Gress said we would only do this if we get enough advertisers to pay for the cost and in no way is suggesting that the township pay for it.


Mr. Gress then talked about the Township Spring Newsletter and suggested we try to get local township advertisers to help offset the expense of doing a newsletter, which costs approximately $3,000 per quarter and we do three quarterly newsletters.  Mr. Gress said he would like to see this pursued.  Lisa Shafer asked Allen if he would like to be in charge of this and investigate all of our options.  Allen Gress said he would.


Set Interviews for ZBA: Two township residents applied to fill the vacant position on the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Interviews will be held Wednesday, April 11th @ 6 PM at Station #2 with one to be scheduled at 6 PM and the other one to be scheduled at 6:30 PM.


Lisa Shafer motioned to advertise for interviews for the ZBA beginning at 6:00 PM at Station #2 on Wednesday, April 11, 2007, seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes and Allen Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-095


Before continuing with Old Business, Lisa Shafer updated the residents on projects that she, Keith Lasure and Commissioner Todd Bosley have been working very hard trying to get the following issues resolved:


  • Russell Johnson on Maplegrove – flooding problem
  • Denise Fishel on Maplegrove – flooding problem and front yard washing away
  • Lisa Rosow on Maplegrove – Gary Connor is involved
  • Fairhope Storm Sewer (Broadway) – The Stark County Commissioners have agreed to look at this area.  Also, Gary Conner, Keith Lasure and Lisa Shafer will be working on this to assure that Broadway gets cleaned out – ditch work will be done by the County and looking at the big picture, talking to the railroad, which is a big problem.  Lisa Shafer reported the cost estimates are in place to have this done.


Resident Bill Blackmer of 3505 Maplegrove talked about his drainage problem.  Lisa Shafer and Keith Lasure responded to Mr. Blackmer’s concerns.


  • Gephart Street Storm Sewer and the Georgetown & Maplegrove Storm Sewer – these are some of the projects that were discussed at the meeting with the Stark County Engineers and Commissioners.  These projects are also being handed over to CT Consultants.  They need a design as well as some estimates of cost.




It was agreed that the Board and Jamie would meet with the Stark County Engineers on April 11th at 2:00 PM at the Stark County Engineers Office to discuss and review road options and issues.



Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

March 22, 2007 (Cont.)




Allen Gress said a letter was sent to the City of Louisville to discuss CEDA Agreements.  This will be discussed at their next City Council Meeting, which is the first Monday in April. 


Allen Gress gave an update on the Groffre Annexation and said maps are available for interested residents.


EXCUSE STUDENTS: Lisa Shafer excused the Louisville High School Government Class students, and the elected officials signed their papers.




Allen Gress read a letter received form Edith March thanking the fire department for their excellent care and sent a donation of $100.00.  (Copy attached)




Allen Gress motioned to approve the Minutes from March 8th & 15th, 2007, as written, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-096




Allen Gress motioned to approve all purchase orders, financial report and pay bills in the amount of $98,044.73, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-097




Allen Gress motioned to sign checks and adjourn, seconded by Lisa Shafer.  Roll call voting: Allen Gress – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.  Res#07-098


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.



_________________________________                  __________________________________

ATTEST: Carlene Harmon, Fiscal Officer                   Lisa R. Shafer, President





                                                                                                         Michael L. Lynch, Vice President





                                                                                    Allen E. Gress, Trustee