Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees


Special Meeting

February 1, 2007










































On Thursday, February 1, 2007, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in Special Session at 7:30 A.M. at the Nimishillen Township Fire Station No. 3 at 8000 Columbus Road NE with the following members present:  Trustee President Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President Michael L. Lynch, Trustee Allen E. Gress and Fiscal Officer Carlene Harmon.


The Board of Trustees and the Fiscal Officer met with Attorney James Mathews and Attorney Jeff Jakmides to discuss pending litigation regarding the Groffre Lawsuit.


Lisa Shafer moved to open the Special Meeting at 7:40 A.M., seconded by Mike Lynch.   Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Mike Lynch – yes and Allen Gress – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.


Lisa Shafer moved to go into Executive Session at 7:41 A. M. to discuss pending litigation regarding the Groffre Lawsuit with Attorney James Mathews and Attorney Jeff Jakmides, seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.


Allen Gress moved to come out of Executive Session at 8:54 A. M., seconded by Mike Lynch.  Roll call voting:  Allen Gress – yes, Mike Lynch – yes and Lisa Shafer – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


After discussion, Lisa Shafer moved to retain Attorney Jeff Jakmides to handle recovery for the Groffre Lawsuit not to exceed $1,500.00, seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.  MOTION CARRIED.


With no further discussion, Lisa Shafer moved to adjourn at 8:56 A. M., seconded by Allen Gress.  Roll call voting:  Lisa Shafer – yes, Allen Gress – yes and Mike Lynch – yes.







______________________________    Lisa R. Shafer, President 





Attest:       Fiscal Officer                                       

                 Carlene Harmon






                                                              Michael L. Lynch, Vice President






                                                     Allen E. Gress, Trustee