Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

June 22, 2006

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 On Thursday, June 22, 2006, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present:  Trustee President Todd D. Bosley, Vice President Lisa R. Shafer, Trustee Michael L. Lynch and Fiscal Officer Carlene Harmon.


The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Todd D. Bosley who led the staff and audience in the pledge of allegiance.


Mr. Bosley announced due to tonight’s storm, items on the agenda will be moved around.  He asked that all department heads cover only those things that are absolutely necessary.  Mr. Bosley explained he would like to adjourn the meeting early so the trustees can go out and view some of the problems and flooded roads from the storm.




The following transfers were made per Res. #06-015 June 10, 2006: $10,000 from 10-A-02 Fire PERS to 10-A-14 Insurance, $6,000 from 10-A-15A Other Medicare SS to 10-A-14 Insurance, $10,000 from 10-A-01 Salaries to 10-A-14 Insurance.  June 16, 2006: $5,000 from 1-A-25 Contingency to 01-A-15 Workers’ Comp.  June 17, 2006: $1,000 from 01-A-25 Contingency to 01-E-01 Contracts, $3,000 from 01-A-25 Contingency to 01-B-04 Utilities and $3,000 from 4-A-08 Buildings to 4-A-09 Utilities.


Transfer $25,000.00: Fiscal Officer, Carlene Harmon, reported last year we received $113,800.00 for EMS services and the Board raised the rates for service.  To date, we have only received $38,000 for the first half of the year.  Therefore, our revenues are short and I am asking the Board to transfer $25,000.00 from the General Fund to the EMS Fund.


Mrs. Shafer moved to transfer $25,000 from General Fund 01-A-25 Contingency to Fund 28-EMS, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows:  Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-194


Brief Financial Report: Mrs. Harmon said due to the fact that the fire levy was defeated and the delays to completing Fire Station No. 3, she is projecting a deficit in the fire department of at least $100,000.00.  Initially, we anticipated adding other departments to our dispatch operations; however, that is not possible until we move the center to our new facility.  Hopefully, we will not be obligated to pay some of the remaining construction costs and that our legal counsel is successful in obtaining penalty fees from the delays.


Resolution to Request Amended Certificate for Dispatch Revenue: Mrs. Shafer moved to approve to amend the Certificate for Dispatch Revenue in the amount of $91,220.00, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES. #06-195


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Chris Peterson)


Due to the storm and heavy rain, Superintendent Peterson was out putting up high water signs and was excused from tonight’s meeting.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Rich Peterson)


Chief Peterson reported items on the agenda could wait and would be discussed at the next regularly scheduled Trustees’ Meeting on July 13, 2006.


Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees


June 22, 2006 (Cont.)




Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces ‘Continuation’ Hearing from June 8, 2006:


Mr. Lasure explained after he and township secretary, Sharon Shaub, went over facts for tonight’s hearing and after the secretary talked to Reva Butera at Regional Planning and after he talked to Stark County Prosecutor, Sharon Miller, it was recommended by both Mrs. Butera and Mrs. Miller that it would be a good idea to not go forward at this time and to start over.  Mrs. Butera said the Resolution passed by the Nimishillen Township Zoning Commission appears to be more of a ‘rewrite’ vs. ‘modification’ and suggested we get legal advice on this.  Mrs. Miller agreed with Mrs. Butera.


With that being said and after discussion, Mrs. Shafer moved to withdraw the proposed amendment for outdoor wood burning furnaces at this time until further research can be done and to bring it before the Regional Planning Commission and the Nimishillen Township Zoning Commission at a later date, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows:  Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-196




Maplegrove Pipe Project: Because more information is needed before going forward with this project, it was tabled until the July 13, 2006 Trustees’ Meeting.


Grover Street Improvements: After Mr. Lynch talked to Ken Carter from the Stark County Engineers Office and after he looked at the situation, it was decided that it’s the township’s responsibility to correct/replace the crossover and discussion could be held at a later date as to what the township is going to do with the road.


Mr. Lynch moved to replace the crossover on Grover Street, seconded by Mrs. Shafer.  Roll call voting went as follows: Mr. Lynch – yes, Mrs. Shafer – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-197




Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton said she missed the last meeting and wanted to comment on the following:

  1. After listening to the CD, she said it sounded like a circus over the firewood stating Mrs. Shafer explained very clearly what happened and said Mrs. Shafer did not deserve the demeaning remarks and thanked Mr. & Mrs. Shafer for doing a very good deed for the community.  Mrs. Shafer thanked Mrs. Huckels for her comments.
  2. According to the road reports, there seems to be a lot of concern regarding pipe work and driveway culverts stating it’s a ‘road’ department and does not think the projects the residents want done on private yards and yard work is the road department’s responsibility.  She said the road levy very clearly says ‘roads’ – not private property.
  3. Fire on SR44: Was concerned about Chris Peterson’s safety, i.e., did he have proper gear on.  Mr. Bosley explained Chris was not in the burning structure and that he was on what they call ‘running the fire’.


Bill Blackmer of 3505 Maplegrove spoke on the pipe project down from his residence and said she needs help because she’s going to lose her house but he shouldn’t have to contend with all the water that comes north of him.  He said there are three places on Maplegrove that are flooded right now: Kiko, Lautzenheiser and below him stating some of the blame is because the culvert was put under the road to run water into the field.  He also talked about the flow of the water being

Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees


June 22, 2006 (Cont.)


changed and said the people who changed the water flow should be responsible for it.  Mr. Bosley said he was right and explained approximately three years ago, a task force was put together that involved people from all over, i.e. cities to townships, and that whole approach is now gone so no one is really working on this now.  Mr. Bosley said there’s no funding mechanism in place to try to fix some of these problems.  Mr. Bosley said tonight’s meeting is going to be adjourned early because there are roads that are impassible and even in regards to some of these situations, there’s nothing that can be done at the township level.  Some discussion followed.


CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Todd D. Bosley, Lisa L. Shafer and Michael L. Lynch)


Due to weather advisories, flooding conditions throughout the township and the fact that the meeting would be adjourned early so the trustees could go out and check various problems, any concerns of trustees will be discussed at the July 13th meeting.




Mrs. Shafer moved to approve the Road Report for June 22, 2006, as written, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows:  Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch- yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-198




Mrs. Shafer moved to approve the May 2006 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor and the Zoning Report for June 22, 2006, as written, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-199


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Mrs. Shafer moved to approve all Purchase Orders, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-200




Mrs. Shafer moved to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of $40,459.65, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows: Mrs. Shafer –yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-201




Mrs. Shafer moved to sign checks and adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lynch.  Roll call voting went as follows:  Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.  Motion carried.  RES#06-202 The meeting adjourned at 7:21 PM.


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______________________________                         __________________________________

Attest:       Fiscal Officer                                        Todd D. Bosley, President

                 Carlene Harmon




                                                                               Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President




                                                                              Michael L. Lynch, Trustee