Thursday, January 12, 2006, the Board of Trustees of
meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.
President, Todd D. Bosley, called the meeting to order. Pastor Mike Harmon from the
FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)
#3 update: Chief Peterson reported everything is moving along and coming
together nicely. Letters that were
approved at the last Trustees’ Meeting were sent but as of this date, there has
been no response.
There are two Change Orders and both are for B & J Electric. Change Order E7 is for an additional security
keypad on the door and Change Order E8 is to run an additional circuit to the
Zoeller pump for the sewage treatment.
Both Change Orders are under the total price of the contract.
Bosley motioned to approve Change Order E7 in the amount of $1,418.00 and
Change Order E8 in the amount of $1,450.00, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes
and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried.
call complaints: Rich cited three (3) examples of 911 calls, which are now under
investigation – one on 12/23/05, which was an automobile accident on
Bosley suggested the Board write a letter to the EMA and the Commissioners and
Rich agreed. Mr. Bosley said he would
get with the township secretary and send a letter to both agencies instructing
them that any accident in
to begin process for a 6-mil fire levy: Todd Bosley motioned to place a new 6.0 mil
fire levy on the May 2006 ballot. If the
6-mil levy is passed, the Board will rescind the existing 4-mil levy, seconded
by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley –
Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes and Lisa Shafer – Yes.
Motion carried. (Copy attached)
Officer, Carlene Harmon, asked the Board in conjunction with Res. #06-018, for
a Resolution to request the
for Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter: Since another Executive
Session is scheduled under Trustees, Rich agreed to wait and do his at that
January 12, 2006
The planning session for the fire department will be held Tuesday, February 7th
at 7:00 p.m. at Fire Station #1. The
township secretary will advertise.
to the absence of Road Superintendent, Kevin Swartz, there is no report for
tonight’s meeting.
Conditional Zoning Certificates: Keith Lasure said it seems unfair to charge
another $50.00 to residents who paid for a Conditional Zoning Certificate from
December to March. The Board asked Keith
and Township Secretary, Sharon, to put together a chart and present it at the
next meeting for the Boards’ approval.
sign letter: Todd Bosley motioned to approve the new temporary sign letter,
seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd
Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. (Copy attached)
Report for Stark
Zoning Report for 1/12/06: Todd Bosley motioned to approve the Zoning Report
for January 12, 2006, seconded by Lisa Shafer.
Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. (Copy attached)
January 12, 2006
ZBA/ZC applicants: Interviews will be held Tuesday, January 17th, at Fire
Station #2 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Township Secretary, Sharon Shaub, will set up interviews and advertise.
session to review employee handbook and health insurance: A work session will be
held Tuesday, January 24th, at 6:00 p.m. at Station #2.
at the Oscars: Mike Lynch reported there would be a ‘Night at the Oscars’ on Friday,
January 27th, at Skyland Pines.
healthcare insurance co-pay: Todd Bosley said this will be discussed at the
work session on January 24th and was tabled until the January 26th
Trustees’ Meeting. Bosley explained
healthcare has increased by 10% this year.
of office manager: Lisa Shafer explained the office manager should be one of the
Trustees and this person would oversee township employee staffing hours, time
cards, time off, etc. Todd Bosley
motioned to appoint Mike Lynch as Office Manager, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes
and Mike Lynch – Yes. Res#06-023
Advanced Composite Technologies on Beck: Mike Lynch met with the
owners and some other people. Mr. Lynch
said this is a growing business and he’s been actively seeking to get water to
them and did meet with Sam Sliman. Mr.
Lynch said Mr. Sliman is very interested in supplying water to Sherwood. Todd Bosley said he was to get with Mr.
Sliman sometime after the 1st of the year and if he didn’t hear from
him soon, he would call to try to set up a meeting.
storm sewer project: Lisa Shafer said this is a project that is near and dear to her heart
and asked the Board to consider having plans redrawn for closed ditches and
have someone from the Engineer’s Office look at it. Mrs. Shafer stated this should have been
taken care of in 2005 and would like to see the new Board step up and take care
of this problem. Discussion
followed. The Board asked the township
secretary to draft a letter to the
Whitmire @ 4185 Addison – storm sewer project: Mr. Bosley said a letter
needs to be sent to the
employee raises for 2006: Lisa Shafer said she feels all raises should be
postponed until the 1st of July 2006. This would give the Board time to evaluate
all personnel and issue raises on a merit basis.
January 12, 2006
Bosley motioned to hold Township employee raises for 2006 until July 1st,
seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike
Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-024
Suntheimer, Drainage at 4270 Gephart: Todd Bosley explained the problem is in
Mrs. Suntheimer’s back yard stating it’s a County problem. The County put in a storm sewer through her
back yard and there are now gaping holes.
Mr. Bosley said he would talk to Gary Connor again and tabled this until
the next Trustees’ Meeting on January 26th.
Todd Bosley reported Keith Lasure is the only employee who has business
cards. The Board agreed all three
Trustees, the Fiscal Officer and Department Heads should have business
cards. Two quotes have been
received. Keith said he would get
another quote.
Speed Study: Todd Bosley reported the cost for one speed study is $800.00 and the
township gets one free speed study per year.
Todd Bosley motioned to ask the Stark County Engineers to do a speed
study on Broadway Avenue for 2006, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes
and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried.
Repairs for Mr. Dansizen at 5125 Glenhaven: The Board agreed to repair
Mr. Dansizen’s yard this spring. His
yard was damaged after the township did some work on a drainage project and
went through his back yard. Mr. Bosley
said it might need a truckload or two of topsoil. Mr. Bosley said when the township goes onto
someone’s property, there are two things needed: 1) a signed work release and 2) expectations
and clarification. Some discussion
township office space: The Board agreed additional office space is badly
needed. Todd Bosley explained the plan
is to make an office in the kitchen area at the Road Department. The Board asked Keith Lasure to get three to
five estimates.
Stock Pile: Mr. Bosley explained this facility is through
Todd Bosley excused the
Executive Session: Todd Bosley motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:02 p.m. to discuss personnel, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-026
Todd Bosley motioned to come out of Executive Session at 9:22 p.m., seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-027
Todd Bosley explained they had multiple discussions in Executive Session.
Lisa Shafer motioned to move Zoning Inspector, Keith Lasure, to salary working 30 hours per week for a total of $370.80 per week to include all meetings and any overtime and the township to provide him life insurance at a cost of not more than $29.00 per month for $10,000.00 worth of life insurance, all effective January 16, 2006, seconded by Todd Bosley. Voting: Lisa Shafer – Yes, Todd Bosley – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-028
January 12, 2006
Lisa Shafer motioned to put Township Secretary, Sharon Shaub, on salary at $451.92 per week, which will include doing away with all overtime and will include all meetings, typing minutes and all other duties she is currently responsible for, effective January 16, 2006, seconded by Todd Bosley. Voting: Lisa Shafer – Yes, Todd Bosley – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-029
Mr. Bosley spoke next regarding retaining all employees. He stated after a long, hard discussion, he has believed for some time the road department has not been going in the direction he hoped for and believes changes need to be made.
Mr. Bosley said it is his proposal that the Board not rehire Road Superintendent, Kevin Swartz, or road employee, Ty Reiter, effective immediately. Mr. Bosley asked the Board for their opinion. Lisa Shafer and Mike Lynch agreed. Mr. Lynch said it’s a hard decision especially with Kevin being ill and wished both Kevin and Ty the best of luck and wished them well.
With this being said, Todd Bosley motioned to retain all township employees with the exception of Road Superintendent, Kevin Swartz and road employee, Ty Reiter, effective immediately, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-030
Todd Bosley asked Township Secretary, Sharon Shaub, to place an ad in The Repository immediately to hire a road superintendent and road employee and the ad to run January 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd or if possible, January 17th through January 22nd, with all applications due at the township office by noon on January 23rd, 2006 and interviews on January 24th at Station #2 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and set up interviews as applications come in, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-031
Todd Bosley said the Board interviewed with Chris Peterson. Todd Bosley motioned to have Chris oversee the road department, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-032
Todd Bosley motioned to pay Chris a salary of $12.00 per hour until a permanent person is hired, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-033
Todd Bosley said the Board met with Louis Battista, Jr. and he offered to help out on a temporary basis until the position is filled. Todd Bosley motioned to hire Louis Battista, Jr. on a temporary basis at $12.00 per hour to work regular road hours from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. until positions are filled, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-034
Mr. Bosley emphasized the road department does have backup stating there are a lot of people in the fire department who have CDL’s and can drive all road equipment.
Mike Lynch thanked Lou and Chris for helping out during this tough time. Since they are temporary, they will not receive benefits but can apply along with others to fill permanent positions.
January 12, 2006
Bosley motioned to approve the Minutes for December 22, 2005, as written,
seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd
Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-035
to increase Temporary Appropriations in the Fire Fund by $446,400.00: Todd Bosley motioned to
increase Temporary Appropriations in the Fire Fund by $446,400.00 until the
Fiscal Officer does the Permanent Appropriations, seconded by Mike Lynch. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes
and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion
carried. Res#06-036
advance tax settlement for first and second half real estate taxes: Todd Bosley motioned to
request an advance tax settlement for the first and second half real estate
taxes from the
Bosley motioned to approve all Purchase Orders, seconded by Lisa Shafer.
Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-038
Bosley motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of
$166,672.50, seconded by Mike Lynch.
Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Mike Lynch – Yes and Lisa Shafer – Yes. Motion carried. Res#06-039
Bosley motioned to sign checks and adjourn, seconded by Lisa Shafer. Voting: Todd Bosley – Yes, Lisa Shafer – Yes
and Mike Lynch – Yes. Motion
carried. Res#06-040
_________________________________ __________________________________
Carlene Harmon, Fiscal Officer Todd D. Bosley, President
Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President
Michael L. Lynch, Trustee