Thursday, April 13, 2006, the Board of Trustees of
regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Bosley who led the
staff and audience in the pledge of allegiance.
INVOCATION: Pastor Raneskee of New Life Ministries gave the
FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)
– Community Awareness Day / Balloon Liftoff: Chief Peterson reported he
attended the committee meeting for the balloon liftoff stating it was a very
good meeting with a very exciting and positive group. The group is made up of many township
residents and businesses and officials from the City of
Bosley said our attorney was here earlier and he had asked him whether or not
the township could donate to this event.
It’s a 5013C and it appears as though the township can donate. The attorney said he would check with the ORC
and let us know for sure. Mrs. Shafer
and Mr. Lynch agreed this is a good event and both feel the township should be
involved as much as possible without hurting the budget. Mr. Lynch feels there are many creative ways
to help with this event. Mrs. Shafer
said this is a good way to pull together as a community and do away with all
the talk about the City v the Township and feels this would be something to
make the event bigger and better.
Pugh stepped to the podium explaining this is a large event and markets the
community making it a nice community to live in. Much discussion followed.
– Fire Station No. 3 Construction: A meeting was held today from 11:45a to 2:45p with
the prosecutor, Mr. Babik and his attorney and the architect doing a walk
through reviewing the nine page punch list items. Mr. Peterson reported a lot of things were
clarified and there were very few things that could be disputed. Trade experts will be called in to give their
opinion on items that were disputed.
is moving in a positive direction. All
permits have been issued with the exception of the electrical contractor, and
he finished his portion today. Once this
inspection is done, a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued and the building
can start to be occupied. The breathing
air compressor (received through a grant) was delivered, so some items need to
be moved into the building.
to accept Mike Polilli’s resignation: Mike Polilli has been with the Fire
Department since 1982 and has 24 years of service. Mrs. Shafer moved to accept the resignation
of Mike Polilli, seconded by Mr. Lynch.
Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-123
Lynch said the
the community. If anyone is interested
in attending, please contact Mr. Lynch or the Chamber of Commerce for tickets.
Fire & EMS Awareness Pancake Breakfast: A free pancake breakfast
will be held on Sunday, April 30th at Fire Station No. 1 on Broadway
from 8:00 AM to Noon. Come and meet Dick
April 13, 2006
ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Superintendent Chris Peterson)
Maintenance Agreement – Parks Avenue: Mrs. Shafer moved to accept the Road
Maintenance Agreement for Parks Avenue with Washington Township Trustees,
seconded by Mr. Lynch. Voting: Mrs.
Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – Yes. Motion carried. RES#06-124
/ Chip & Seal projection: Road Superintendent, Chris Peterson, reviewed the
roads and their conditions. The township
will be entering into the co-op paving program.
The roads being submitted for blacktopping are Canaan Acres and the
south side of Fruitland Allotment, which would be Mead, Electric, Hambleton,
etc. (See attached list)
roads being submitted for Chip & Seal are Beech, Hahn, Kathryn, Ford and
are a couple smaller roads (gravel status) that were to be added to the list
this year to be blacktopped, i.e. Timber & Unity. Mr. Peterson said he could add these streets
but would have to check with the county first to see if they need to be chipped
& sealed before blacktopping.
Discussion followed.
Letters for street sweeping were sent on April 12th, 2006. Mr. Peterson asked them to submit a total
project cost for sweeping based on information he provided to them. Sweeping is to commence no later than June 1st
and completed no later than 30 days from the start date. Quotes will be accepted until 3:00 PM on
April 26th and will be presented to the Board at the April 27th
meeting for approval.
Lynch asked the zoning inspector to get with the road superintendent to review
the street sweeping process so that all EPA requirements are met.
Installation Policy for township residents: Mr. Peterson stated within
the past month, he has received random requests from residents for installation
of pipes in ditches and driveway culvert repairs. He said he knows there is a resolution
stating the township does not do this; however, the residents have said they
would buy the pipe and materials if the township would provide the labor and
install the pipe. Mr. Peterson said he
has no problem doing this because no matter who installs the pipe, the township
is ultimately responsible for taking care of it.
Shafer and Mr. Lynch both feel this is a win-win situation because if the
township installs the pipe, it would be installed correctly. Mr. Peterson said there would have to be an
agreement drawn up, but this is something the Board needs to discuss and make a
followed on terms and conditions if the township would decide to do this. Mr. Bosley asked township secretary, Sharon
Shaub, to write a letter to the prosecutor asking if the township could legally
install pipe that does not affect a township road and what liability the
township would have.
Mr. Lynch moved to accept the Road Report for April 13, 2006, as written,
seconded by Mrs. Shafer. Voting: Mr.
Lynch – yes, Mrs. Shafer – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-125
(Copy attached)
April 13, 2006
Harsh –
zoning inspector and road superintendent have spent a lot of time on this. Mr. Bosley asked Mr. Lasure to call Ken
Carter at the
8:00 PM:
Lynch moved to go into Executive Session with Stark County Prosecutor, Sharon
Miller, at 8:02 PM for the purpose to consider the employment and/or discipline
of a public employee, seconded by Mrs. Shafer.
Voting: Mr. Lynch – yes, Mrs. Shafer – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-126
Lynch motioned to come out of Executive Session a 9:27 PM, seconded by Mrs.
Shafer. Voting: Mr. Lynch – yes, Mrs.
Shafer – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.
Motion carried. RES#06-127
return from Executive Session, Mr. Bosley explained that Road Superintendent,
Chris Peterson, would like to have more time to focus on the road department
and will be taking a leave of absence from the fire department and will not be
getting compensation from the fire department.
Bosley moved that Chris Peterson take a leave of absence from the fire
department effective April 13, 2006 for an undetermined period of time, seconded
by Mrs. Shafer. Voting: Mr. Bosley –
yes, Mrs. Shafer – yes and Mr. Lynch – yes.
Motion carried. RES#06-128
Bosley commented on a group home being entertained on Eastview and invited Mr.
Daugherty to step to the podium and state his concerns.
to Stark County Health Department regarding the Clark residence on
– Fairhope Storm Sewer Plans: Discussion was held regarding the
Fairhope Storm Sewer Plans at a cost of $6,450.00. It was suggested Mr. Lasure talk to Lynn
Carlone regarding applying for a grant.
The deadline to file for a grant is the end of June 2006. Without updated
plans, we would not be able to get any funding.
This was put on hold for now and tabled to the next Trustees’
Meeting on April 27th.
April 13, 2006
2006 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor: Mr. Lynch moved to accept
the March 2006 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor, seconded by Mrs.
Shafer. Voting: Mr. Lynch- yes, Mrs.
Shafer – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes.
Motion carried RES#06-129 (Copy attached)
Mrs. Shafer moved to accept the Zoning Report for April 13, 2006, as written,
seconded by Mr. Lynch. Voting: Mrs.
Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-130 (Copy attached)
EPA REPORT: (Keith Lasure – Project Manager)
Phase II Illicit Discharge Cost Distribution –
Nuisance Abatement at 4755
this time, Mr. Bosley spoke on absentee voting.
meeting with Stark County Prosecutor to review Responsible Bid Contract: The Board asked the
township secretary to coordinate a work session with
the prosecutor to discuss Responsible Bid Contracts, and Leonard Insurance and
OTARMA to discuss insurance quotes and to begin at around 5:30–6:00 PM before
the next Trustees’ Meeting on April 27th.
April 13, 2006
Association Meeting at the Grange in June: Mr. Bosley said
he is meeting with Grange committee members to discuss holding the
Newsletter mailed next week: Fiscal Officer, Carlene Harmon,
reported the newly revised newsletter would be mailed out next week. Since the township does not have the proper
software to do the newsletter in house, Mrs. Harmon explained that she did find
someone who is experienced to do the newsletter. Previously, the cost was $500 plus $100 for
the layout, which was $600 for four pages.
Tom Kinsley is experienced and will do six pages for $600. Mrs. Harmon stated it is her opinion to have
Mr. Kinsley continue to do the newsletter, and the Board agreed.
and Sign Letter to City of
wood burning furnaces: After discussion, Mrs. Shafer moved to amend the
date to meet with residents regarding Francesca Ditch Project: Mr.
Bosley suggested a tentative date of May 9th at 7:00 PM to meet with
residents on
Shafer moved to approve the March 23, 2006 Minutes, as written, seconded by Mr.
Lynch. Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr.
Lynch- yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion
carried. RES#06-135
per Res. #06-015: April 1, 2006 $7,000.00 from 10-A-15 other to 10-A-06A new
buildings and equipment; April 8, 2006 $356.76 from 01-A-26 other to 01-A-15
workers’ comp. and $811.92 from 04-A-13 other to 04-A-03 workers’ comp.
Certificate for $3,350.00 for Fire Training Grant: Mrs. Shafer moved to amend
the certificate for $3,350.00 for the fire-training grant that the fire
department is going to be receiving, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes
and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-136
for one-year note coming due in April: Mr. Bosley moved to amend the certificate
for $273,000.00 for the one-year note coming due in April, seconded by Mrs.
Shafer. Voting: Mr. Bosley – yes, Mrs.
Shafer – yes and Mr. Lynch – yes. Motion
carried. RES#06-137
April 13, 2006
Shafer moved to approve all Purchase Orders, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch- yes and
Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried.
Shafer moved to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of
$37,622.38, seconded by Mr. Lynch.
Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried. RES#06-139
Shafer moved to sign checks and adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Voting: Mrs. Shafer – yes, Mr. Lynch – yes and
Mr. Bosley – yes. Motion carried.
meeting adjourned at 10:32 PM.
04-213 04-214 04-215 04-216 04-217 04-218
Attest: Fiscal Officer Todd D. Bosley, President
Carlene Harmon
Lisa R. Shafer, Vice President
Michael L. Lynch, Trustee