Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

May 26, 2005


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On Thursday, May 26, 2005 the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present:  Trustee President Virginia K. Macdonald, Vice President Todd D. Bosley, Trustee Russell L. Goffus and Clerk Carlene Harmon.



The meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.



NOTE:  Due to a bad batch of CD’s, the township secretary was not able to hear anything on the first CD at all.  The following will be minutes from notes and memory.



FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)


911 Equipment & Technology Meeting:  The 911 Equipment & Technology meeting was held on Wednesday, May 25th, at Jackson Township.  Chief Peterson reported it was a very informative meeting.  Trustees Russ Goffus and Todd Bosley also attended.  Mr. Bosley said it was about where we are, where we should be and where we could be.


Approval of Proposed Dispatching Contract:  Russ Goffus motioned to approve the proposed Dispatching Service Agreement, as written, seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)


Station No. 3/Dispatch Center Update:  Chief Peterson reported everything is moving along as scheduled.  (Copy attached)


Temporary Dispatching Cutover Date:  The temporary dispatching center cutover date is June 22, 2005.


New Ambulance Units in Service:  The new units were put into service Tuesday evening, May 24th.


Approval of Firefighter Candidates:  Todd Bosley motioned to approve Megan Ford and Lisa Weber as Firefighter Candidates seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.


Free Pancake Breakfast May 15th, 2005:  Chief Peterson reported the Fire/EMS pancake breakfast was a huge success with over 900 plates served compared to 500 plates served at the last breakfast.


Thank You to Fire Department:  Todd Bosley read a letter from a resident thanking the fire department for their quick response.


Executive Session to Discuss Appointment of Personnel:  The Board agreed to go into Executive Session at the end of tonight’s meeting.



ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Superintendent Kevin Swartz)


Grinding on Apple & Peach Streets:  Superintendent Swartz reported the cost to grind goes by an hourly rate.  The Board agreed to go ahead with grinding Apple & Peach Streets if the cost is $1,000.00 or less.  Todd Bosley said he would still like to have a price list.


Written Road Report for May 26, 2005:  Swartz read his road report.  Virginia Macdonald motioned to accept the Road Report for May 26, 2005, as written, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)


Township Mowing:  Swartz stated he talked to Mr. Murray at ODOT regarding mowing.  The Board decided the township would do their own mowing because it would be too expensive to hire it out.  Swartz said he would still like to get the mower for the Ford tractor.  Trustee Goffus agreed.  Trustee Bosley feels it’s too much money stating there are a lot of other projects that need to be done.  Discussion followed.


Risers:  Discussion was held on risers for sewers.  There has been no response from a letter Trustee Macdonald sent to the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District on April 28th, 2005.  Swartz said he would call.






Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



May 26, 2005 (Cont.)






Excuse Zoning Inspector from June 6th ZBA:  The Board agreed to excuse Zoning Inspector, Keith Lasure, from the June 6, 2005 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing.


Written Zoning Report for May 26, 2005:  Lasure read his zoning report.  Todd Bosley motioned to accept the Zoning Report for May 26, 2005, as written, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)    (Res#05-121)




  • Lisa Shafer of 6590 Winter Street stepped to the podium.  Discussion was held on the Winter Street Storm Sewer Project.  Kevin Swartz said it would be this fall before the township could start on this project.  Todd Bosley suggested Russ Goffus go ahead and call the State.  Cost for this project is estimated at $6,000.00 for pipe and $3,000.00 for catch basins for a total of approximately $9,000.00.  Clerk Harmon commented that the money should come from the Road Department Fund.


The Board agreed Francesca Street and Winter Street should be done this year.  The question is funding for these projects.  This was tabled until the next Trustees meeting on 6/9/05.


Russ Goffus stated the township has a policy in place regarding open ditches.  Todd Bosley said this is a storm drain – not a ditch.  Discussion continued.


8:00 PM – Opening of 2005 Roadway Improvement Bids:  Since it was now 8:00 p.m., the Board opened the sealed 2005 Roadway Improvement Bids.  (Results attached)  Awarding of the 2005 Roadway Improvement contract was tabled until the next Trustees meeting on 6/9/05.




  • Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton commented about the resident who requested a ‘No Parking’ sign in front of her house on Daisy Street (which is next to a ball field).  Zoning Inspector Lasure said he would check on ordinances for signs.


Mrs. Huckels also commented that she feels Russ Goffus is absolutely right on ditches and pipes agreeing residents should pay for their own pipes.


  • Cheryl Smith of 3595 Beck Avenue stated that on May 16th, the City of Louisville Council passed zoning to heavy industrial on Beck Avenue.  Mrs. Smith said the majority of Beck Avenue is township and said the residents are asking the trustees for visual and sound barriers and other restrictions due to the heavy truck traffic that will result from the zone change.


  • Mark Rumble of 3094 Ravenna Avenue wanted to know why there is such a big rush on the Beck Road waterline.  No discussion followed.




Beck Road Waterline:  Mr. Tom Ault with the City of Louisville was in attendance at tonight’s meeting.  Mrs. Macdonald invited Mr. Ault to step to the podium.  Mr. Ault said he did not have a presentation tonight and said he was attending tonight’s meeting to answer questions about the waterline.


Russ Goffus asked Mr. Ault about the big rush for these projects.  Mr. Ault explained there are two separate issues – the waterline and the zone change.  Regarding the waterline, Mr. Ault explained they have to get various permits and EPA approval and their goal is to have this project completed by the end of July 2005.  He stated this has been on the city agenda since October.  Mr. Goffus said the first the township head about it was two weeks ago.  CEDA Agreements were also discussed.


Resident Cheryl Smith asked Mr. Ault if it was true that the waterline would basically benefit the industrial park.  Mr. Ault said that was true.


Virginia Macdonald said she would like to get the Stark County Engineer’s Office involved with the placement of the waterline.  The Board agreed.




Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



May 26, 2005 (Cont.)




Discussion was also held regarding requesting a speed study on Beck Avenue.  It was suggested this request be made for next year and be put on next year’s agenda.


Groffre/Broadway Annexation/Setting Meeting with City of Canton:  The Annexation and setting a meeting with the City of Canton was tabled until the next trustees meeting on 6/9/05.


The Board agreed to have Virginia Macdonald write a letter to the Stark County Prosecutor regarding the annexation requesting they meet with all three trustees and to also get proper wording on writing up a CEDA Agreement.


6240 Plum – Peggy Kostolich – Open Ditch Project:  Todd Bosley reported Mrs. Kostolich wants a ditch through the front of her property, which would need a catch basin and pipe.  He said Mrs. Kostolich is willing to buy the driveway culvert and catch basin if the township would do the work.  The Board agreed.  Road Superintendent, Kevin Swartz, said he would put it on the schedule.


5125 Glenhaven – Mr. Dansizen – Unhappy with Yard:  Todd Bosley reported Mr. Dansizen wants topsoil and his property brought back up to grade.  Russ Goffus said the township is not in the landscaping business and it would be up to him to fix it like he wants at his own expense.  The Board agreed.  It was stated the township could provide dirt from ditches, but the township cannot furnish topsoil.  Mr. Bosley said he would talk to Mr. Dansizen and let him know.


Discussion was held on the importance of having a work release signed by residents before beginning a project spelling out all the particulars.


5249 Glenoak Drive – Mr. Swinehart – Catch Basin:  Todd Bosley reported Mr. Swinehart wants the township to install a riser to bring the top of his catch basin up.  Russ Goffus wants to take a look at it before a decision is made.  This was tabled until the next Trustees meeting on 6/9/05.


Stark County Association Dinner:  Todd Bosley thanked Terri Huckels for making pies, Louise Vance for making the salad and Judy George and the firefighters for the food they prepared.  The audience gave them a round of applause.


5845 Daisy Street – Kathy Bradford – No Parking Sign:  Todd Bosley reported Mrs. Bradford has a son with special needs and due to parked cars blocking her driveway, the Squad could not get to her home and her son had to be treated roadside.  The firefighters did a wonderful job but this is why Mrs. Bradford has requested a ‘NO PARKING’ sign every year.  Mr. Bosley said Mrs. Bradford is willing to buy the sign.  Keith Lasure said he would check with the prosecutor’s office to see if such a sign is allowed.  Lasure further stated Capt. Firth, with the Stark County Sheriff’s Dept., felt a sign would be appropriate and if there was a sign, they could enforce no parking.


The Board agreed on a ‘NO PARKING’ sign if it is legally allowed.


Recess to View Drainage Problem:  Virginia Macdonald motioned to recess at 9:20 p.m. to look at a drainage problem at Station No. 2 seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. (Res#05-122)


Virginia Macdonald motioned to return from recess at 9:30 p.m. seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.     (Res#05-123)




Russ Goffus motioned to approve the written Minutes from May 12, 2005 seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.   (Res#05-124)




Transfers per Res. #05-005:  There were no transfers.


Request Resolution for Public Records Policy:  Todd Bosley motioned to accept the written Records Policy seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)  (Res#05-125)




Russ Goffus motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of $20,952.38 seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.   (Res#05-126)







Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



May 26, 2005 (Cont.)






Virginia Macdonald motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. to discuss appointment of fire personnel seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Res#05-127)


Virginia Macdonald motioned to come out of Executive Session at 9:45 p.m. seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.   (Res#05-128)




Russ Goffus motioned to sign checks and adjourn seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.   (Res#05-129)


Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.






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