Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees

March 24, 2005



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On Thursday, March 24, 2005, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall with the following members present:  Trustees:  Virginia K. Macdonald, President; Todd D. Bosley, V-President; Russ Goffus, Trustee and Carlene Harmon, Clerk.


The meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Richard Peterson, Chief)


Chief Peterson reported on the Kid’s Safety Trailer schedule for the elementary schools.  They are as follows:  Sacred Heart of Mary Tuesday April 26th @ 9:30 a.m., Pleasant Grove School Wednesday April 27th @ 8:30 a.m., North Nim Elementary Thursday April 28th @ 8:15 a.m. and Fairhope Elementary on Friday April 29th @ 8:00 a.m.  All are welcome to attend.


The Nimishillen Firefighters Assoc. is selling raffle tickets @ $5.00 each for a pool table donated by Ohio Discount Merchandise, Inc.  If all are sold by May 15th, the drawing will be held at the pancake breakfast on that date.  This fundraiser is to raise money to send burn victims to camp.


The firefighters completed painting the apparatus bays at Station #1.  This is the first time anything has been done in 10 years.


The last ambulance inspection was Tuesday, April 22nd.  The projected completion date for delivery is the last week in April 2005.


Emergency Dispatch Center update:  Everything is moving ahead.  They are now working with Jeannie Sacconi with Leonard Insurance.  She advised what they would need on the contracts.  They will, for the most part, model the prior contract, which the prosecutor’s office approved.  There will be Hold Harmless Agreements and Certificates of Liability that each entity will have to provide.


Fire Station No. 3 update:  The two pre-bid conferences were held March 15th & 17th.  There are a total of 30 bidders:  16 generals, 3 mechanical, 5 electrical and 6 plumbing.  The bid opening will be held on Tuesday March 29th at 4 p.m. at Station #2.


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Kevin Swartz, Superintendent)


Swartz requested a Resolution to advertise for Road Material Bids.  Russ Goffus motioned to advertise for Road Material Bids effective from June 1, 2005 to June 1, 2006 seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.


Goffus reported he feels the road department needs part-time seasonal help.  Todd Bosley and Virginia Macdonald agreed.  An ad will be put in The Repository.  Kevin will interview applicants and let the Board know who he feels would be qualified.  Bosley said it would be a seasonal, part-time position with no set schedule.


Swartz read his Road Report for March 24, 2005.  Virginia Macdonald motioned to accept the Road Report for March 24, 2005, as written, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)


ZONING DEPARTMENT: (Keith Lasure, Zoning Inspector)


Lasure read his Zoning Report for March 24, 2005.  Russ Goffus motioned to accept the Zoning Report for March 24, 2005, as written, seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)


The Board agreed to waive yearly fees for Conditional Zoning Certificates for mausoleums.




Two residents requested to be put on the agenda prior to tonight’s meeting:


1)     Donna Fuller of 5857 Rosedale:  Mrs. Fuller thanked Todd Bosley for giving her a copy of an article in the Ohio Township News magazine entitled The 10 Commandments for Good Roads.  She stated the thing she complains about the most is keeping water off the roads and that is the first one on the list. 


Mrs. Fuller asked when the second part of Noel would be completed.  Bosley explained a letter was written to the Stark County Engineers for a bid survey and we are awaiting a reply.


Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



March 24, 2005 (Cont.)




Mrs. Fuller asked Swartz if he had prepared a road schedule and he said he did.  She was appreciative and thanked him.


She then commented about an article in the paper regarding a water fee and feels the people should vote whether or not they want to be taxed on this.  Goffus explained the fee would be added to resident’s water and sewer bills.  Mrs. Fuller feels it should be up to each township to take care of water problems.  Discussion followed.


2)     Bob Kisling of 4855 Fruitland:  Mr. Kisling’s concern was tree limbs on power lines from Peach, Plum and Apple and the northeast side of Fruitland.  He stated he called the power company and also spoke with Mr. Bosley.  Mr. Kisling stated the power company assured him they would come out.  He stated he also brought this before the Board on January 27th, 2005 and the Board said it was a homeowner’s problem.  Kisling stated it is a township problem and it is up to the township to provide safety for their residents.  Mr. Kisling said he spoke to Goffus and Macdonald but they never did get back to him.  Macdonald said she did take pictures and showed the pictures to the other Board members.


Mr. Kisling asked that a letter be written to the power company.  Todd Bosley said he would compose the letter for all three trustees to sign.  (Copy attached)


Other residents in the audience to speak were:


3)     Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton:  Mrs. Huckels commented on the problem of tree limbs on power lines.  She said there are inserts in the bills that clearly say to notify the power company if there are trees on power lines.


Mrs. Huckels then commented on derogatory remarks made by a resident at the last trustees’ meeting.  She sated township meetings are not the place for political grandstanding—if that was the purpose.  Mrs. Huckels said the community knows the fire department is an asset and worth millions – that’s why it’s a ‘volunteer’ fire department.  She further commented that the township pays them what they can afford and said there are three trustees and that one trustee does not make the decision on wages.  She further said there are a lot of women in this world but only a few are ladies and told Mrs. Macdonald that she truly is a lady and thanked her for her integrity.  Mrs. Macdonald received a round of applause from employees and residents.


4)     Timothy Barr of 5210 Peach Street:  Mr. Barr stated he had gotten a couple of quotes on fixing his ditch problem.  The cheapest was $3,000.00.  Mr. Barr said he would purchase the pipe and put it in if the township would supply the backfill.  The Board agreed to this.  Swartz said he would call Mr. Barr a week or two before they bring the dirt.  It was explained this would not be topsoil but would have chunks of sod in it.  Mr. Barr said he understood and that was okay with him.


5)     Mike Frieden of 7616 Willow:  Mr. Frieden’s concern was the Louisville Bus Garage.  He stated concerns that were discussed at the Special Meeting on April 27th, 2004 have yet to be addressed.  Discussion followed.




Russ Goffus stated he has a conflict on April 19th regarding a meeting with residents on Francesca Street regarding ditching the north and south side of Francesca starting at the Fairhope Ditch.  The Board agreed to change the date to Monday April 18th at 6:00 p.m.  Secretary, Sharon Shaub, will advertise as such.  Swartz has written a letter to the residents and will hand deliver to the Francesca Street residents. (Letter attached)


Virginia Macdonald reported on Local Government Funds (HB66) and stated HB66 is in Executive Budget now and it freezes local government funds for 2005.  Beginning in 2006, it will cut counties, cities and parks by 20%, villages and townships by 10% and libraries by 5%.  She stated there are three local government funds:  Local Government Fund (LGF), Local Government Revenue Assistance Fund (LGRAF) and the Library Local Government Support Fund (LLGSF).  She further said it is very important we all lobby to keep government funds; otherwise, cuts will have to be made within townships.  Mrs. Macdonald prepared a letter to send to Kirk Schuring, Scott Oelslager and John Hagan. (Letter attached) 


Virginia Macdonald motioned that the Ohio Legislature retain the current formula for calculating the amount of money local governments receive from the State of Ohio through Local Government Funds seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.



Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



March 24, 2005 (Cont.)




The concern about the ditch at Eastlawn and Northlawn was tabled until the next meeting.  Mr. Bosley said he and Kevin looked at it and there is ditching that needs to be done.  Bosley said his concern was the off road ditch and whether or not the township could do anything with the man-made ditch that runs between two houses.  Bosley asked Goffus and Macdonald to take a look at it before the April 14th trustees’ meeting.  Goffus asked if the water affected the road and Bosley said it does.  Russ said he and Kevin would look at it.  Discussion followed.


The next concern was Bill Katusin at 5900 Timber Avenue.  Bosley said Timber is a mess and Mr. Katusin would like to have it graveled.  The Board said Timber should probably be put on the list for chip and seal for 2006 and asked the township secretary to make a note to be sure to have it put on the chip and seal list for 2006.  Bosley said he would call Mr. Katusin and advise him.




Articles for the spring newsletter are due by the next meeting on April 14th.  Secretary Sharon Shaub said she would remind everyone.




There was no old business.




Virginia Macdonald commented on the need to insure the new salt shed and the Board agreed.  Swartz said he would get a figure to Jeannie Sacconi at Leonard Insurance.




Russ Goffus reported on a letter he received from RPC regarding CDBG stating the federal government is planning on cutting CDBG monies.  The Board agreed to have the township secretary retype the sample letter that was enclosed and make it from the three trustees and send it to the list of 20 legislatures, which was also enclosed.




Todd Bosley motioned to accept the March 14, 2005 Minutes, as written, seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.




Mrs. Harmon asked the Board for a Resolution to approve removal of stale-dated outstanding checks per O.R.C. 9.39 in the amount of $170.47, so moved by Russ Goffus and seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)




Russ Goffus motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of $73,077.79 seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.




Virginia Macdonald motioned to sign checks and adjourn seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.




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