Thursday, August 25, 2005 the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in
regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422
Maplegrove NE with the following members present: Trustee President Virginia K. Macdonald, Vice
President Todd D. Bosley, Trustee Russell L. Goffus and Clerk Carlene Harmon.
meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)
to Adopt NIMS: Russ Goffus Motioned to adopt the plan to mandate the National
Incident Management System (NIMS) to be utilized for all incident management in
Nimishillen Township, Stark County, Ohio seconded by Todd Bosley. All voted yes. Motion carried. (Copy attached)
for Change Order: Chief Peterson reported one Change Order (EC1) from B & J
Electric for the addition of a floor box for $391.00, which will not change the
price of the contract. Virginia
Macdonald motioned to accept Change Order EC1 for the floor box for $391.00
seconded by Todd Bosley. All voted yes. Motion carried. (Res#05-204)
Department Evaluation of Operations/Results: Chief Peterson explained
this is an evaluation by the fire department employees and is done every couple
years. It gives input and feedback from
employees to find out their likes, dislikes, improvements they feel are needed,
Levy Information Sheet: A copy of the
Health Fair/Community Awareness Day: Just a reminder that the Community Health
Fair is Saturday August 27th from 10a-3p at Station No. 1 and
Community Awareness Day is Sunday September 11th from 1p-4p at the
Nimishillen Grange.
ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Superintendent Kevin Swartz)
Brake’ Sign @ Intersection of Georgetown Road & SR44: The township secretary
received a call from ODOT regarding a resident calling them saying there used
to be a NO BRAKE sign and requested another be erected. ODOT said there never was a NO BRAKE sign and
in order for one to be put up, the township would have to request it. The north side of SR44 is in
in Creek @ Nickelplate Ave. and
of 15” Pipe and 4 Catch Basins at 6131 Holderman: Russ Goffus said this has
been a serious problem and in winter, the water lies across the road and
freezes. Todd Bosley motioned to
purchase the pipe for the project at 6131 Holderman in the amount of $3,095.25
seconded by Russ Goffus. All voted
yes. Motion carried. (Res#05-205)
Kevin read his road report. Todd Bosley
motioned to accept the Road Report for August 25, 2005, as written, seconded by
Virginia Macdonald. All voted yes. Motion carried. (Copy attached)
ZONING DEPARTMENT: (Zoning Inspector Keith Lasure)
Keith read his zoning report. Russ
Goffus motioned to accept the Zoning Report for August 25, 2005, as written,
seconded by Todd Bosley. All voted yes. Motion carried. (Copy attached)
August 25, 2005
1) Donna Fuller of 5857 Rosedale commented on the $5,600 spent on the Reno project, read ORC 507.11 (copy attached), commented on the ad Dennis Biery put in The Herald (copy attached) and the meeting held between the City of Louisville and Nimishillen Township.
Dennis Biery of 6582
Macdonald said the Beck Avenue issues are not simple matters and said she
discussed this with the Stark County Prosecutors stating the prosecutors would
like a letter from the trustees regarding the issued involved.
Macdonald further stated the Engineers Office said they do not like half-road
things, which would involve police and fire and continued with comments and
facts regarding this issue. Mrs.
Macdonald received a round of applause.
Bosley then addressed the ad Mr. Biery put in the Louisville Herald stating
that after he read the ad, he called the developer. Mr. Bosley said one thing missing in this
whole equation to save the city, township and schools is the developer and said
until the developer is involved, nothing is going to happen. Mr. Bosley said he appreciates everything Mr.
Biery does for the community but stated the fact is, we do not know what
businesses will be going into the industrial area. No one has drawn up a plan, no one has contacted
any businesses, and no one has said what they were going to do. Mr. Bosley continued by saying his problem is
that he doesn’t have anything to sell to his residents such as telling them the
benefits of letting the waterline go down Beck.
Because of this, it leaves the trustees ‘sitting on the fence’ not
knowing if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
If it’s a bad thing, the township trustees will be blamed – not Mr.
Biery – and continued by saying this is why a precise plan is needed before the
Board could make a decision.
Bosley also commented on taxes and abatements and said he is not opposed to the
waterline but needs more details and plans.
Discussion was then held whether or not the Board should meet with the
City of
this time, Virginia Macdonald stated several more facts and said there seems to
be a lot of misrepresentation in the newspapers and commented on businesses in
the township and explained why Trilogy left the Township and
Dawne Friedman of 5362 Francesca commented on the Beck Avenue waterline
and how it affects the lives of Beck Avenue residents and commented how, after
eight years on the Board, a trustee thought the expenditure allowed without
Board approval was $5,000.00 when its $2,500.00.
Kevin Ellis of 1014 Danielle in the City of Louisville commented on the
relationship between the City of Louisville and Nimishillen Township stating he
would like to see more meetings held and also commented on the flooding problem
in the area. In conclusion, Mr. Ellis
said the Economic Development Plan should continue but that it cannot be rushed
and should involve the consideration and well being of the residents in the
City of
Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton spoke about ‘shovel ready property’ in
Louisville, commented on the trust between the City and the Township, pursuing
water from Canton vs. Louisville, taxes, Fairhope Community, pipes and culverts
in residents’ yards and the Reno project being an emergency and the necessity
to go ahead with the project.
August 25, 2005
Todd Pugh of 6005 Meese asked the Board to consider a $5,000.00 donation
for the Balloon Lift-off on September 10th & 11th. The cost of this event is $60,000.00. Discussion followed and a decision will be
made at the next Trustees’ Meeting.
CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Virginia K. Macdonald, Todd D. Bosley
& Russell L. Goffus)
Offices’ Sign: The Board agreed to have Fast Signs install either 6” or 9”
lettering. The Board asked Township
Secretary, Sharon Shaub, to call Fast Signs and have them bring out both sizes
of lettering to see which one would be better.
The cost of 6” capital letters including hardware and installation is
$675.00 and the cost for the 9” capital letters including hardware and
installation is $950.00.
September 8th Trustees Meeting Date: Since Russ Goffus will be
in Washington, DC September 7th through 9th at NATAT
(National Association of Towns and Townships), the Board agreed to change the
regularly scheduled September 8th meeting to Tuesday, September 6th,
2005 at 7 p.m.
Arguments for Groffre Lawsuit: The Board agreed to have Township Attorney, Dick
Kuhn, sit in on the oral arguments regarding the Groffre Lawsuit, which will be
Tuesday, August 30, 2005.
was also held on insurance coverage regarding the lawsuit. Russ Goffus said he would call Attorney Kuhn
to review insurance coverage as well as call Jeannie Sacconi at Leonard
Date to Meet with City of Canton: The Board asked the township secretary to call Sam
Sliman to set up a work session on either September 13th or
September 20th or a date of their choosing to discuss action that
could be taken for the betterment of the City of Canton and Nimishillen
Township as well as Stark County as a whole.
The work session will be held at 7 p.m. at City Council Chambers. When a date has been set, the township
secretary will advertise accordingly.
Macdonald then asked the Board to jot down their concerns regarding the Beck
Road Water Project and give to Sharon so a letter could be composed and sent to
Deborah Dawson at the Stark County Prosecutor’s Office.
should be turned in to Joanne Moody as soon as possible. The 2005 Fall Newsletter will go out the end
of September or beginning of October.
for Brakes for #2 & #3 Dump Trucks: Kevin reported he received two more quotes,
one from Jasper Transport Services, Inc. for a total of $1,600.00 which
includes parts and labor including the removal and replacement of all brake
shoes, drums and brake shoe kits, adjust and grease. The other quote was for $1,500.00, which did
not include the drums. The Board agreed
to hire Jasper Transport to replace front and back brakes on both trucks.
for Road Crew: Kevin had a meeting set up for today at 3:30 with a sales rep but due
to car problems, the sales rep did not make the meeting. Todd Bosley suggested checking prices of
shirts at Beatty’s in
Data Explorer Training Class for GIS: The Board agreed to send Sharon Shaub,
Keith Lasure and Kevin Swartz to the GIS Training Class on Wednesday, August 31st
from 2p-4p.
Bosley commented on the letter from Tom Ault, City of Louisville Manager,
stating Mr. Ault felt the meeting between Louisville and the Township was
positive and Mr. Ault saying he would like to wait until after the election to
sit down and talk.
August 25, 2005
Goffus motioned to approve the Minutes, as written, from August 11, 2005
seconded by Todd Bosley. All voted
yes. Motion carried. (Res#05-208)
CONCERNS OF THE CLERK: (Clerk Carlene Harmon)
Per Resolution #05-005:
August 16, 2005:
$1,000.00 From: 10-A-01
To: 10-A-10 Repairs
$1,200.00 From: 01-A-26 Other
To: 01-J-02 Zoning Supplies
August 23,2005:
$1,000.00 From: 04-A-02
Employment Retirement
To; 04-B-04A Medicare
Goffus motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of
$78,209.98 seconded by Todd Bosley. All
voted yes. Motion Carried. (Pending Warrant Report attached) (Res#05-209)
Goffus motioned to sign checks and adjourn seconded by Virginia Macdonald. All voted yes. Motion carried. (Res#05-210)
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.