Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



August 11, 2005



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On Thursday August 11, 2005 the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present:  Trustee President Virginia K. Macdonald, Vice President Todd D. Bosley, Trustee Russell L. Goffus and Clerk Carlene Harmon.


The meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)


Construction Update on Station No. 3/Dispatch Center: Chief Peterson reported everything is on target and moving along.


Senior Health Fair: Chief Peterson reminded everyone the Senior Health Fair is Saturday August 27th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Station No. 1.  Some participants are: Aultman Bloodmobile, Medicine Shoppe, Louisville Care Center/Green Meadows, The Crisis Center, Caring Hands, YMCA, Stark County Health Department, Aultman Medical, Area Agency on Aging and, of course, Nimishillen Township Fire Department.


Russ Goffus asked about CPR classes.  Chief Peterson said classes are given on a regular basis and they are free.  There are five or six instructors and classes alternate between Station No. 1 & No. 2.  The Chief said he would give a schedule to Sharon to post at the office.


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Superintendent Kevin Swartz)


Speed Study-Crock Street off California Avenue: Todd Bosley was contacted by a township resident asking to have the speed limit lowered on Crock Street.  The resident said cars go too fast and there are children playing and adults walking.  Due to the fact there are only three houses on Crock St., the Board sympathized with the resident but agreed there is not enough traffic and does not warrant a speed study at this time.  Speed studies cost between $800.00-$1,000.00.  Mr. Goffus reported that sometime in the near future, township trustees might have authority to set speed limits.


Discussion on Reno Drive/California Avenue Project: Mr. Goffus explained the situation stating the road shifted over the years and the road needs to shift to the north; therefore, all the work was done on the resident’s property.


The resident allowed the township to do the work as long as the township would install the additional 40’ of pipe (at his cost) and extend it further down the ditch, which would solve the water flow and the problem of road erosion.  Mr. Goffus asked the Board if they would agree to this.  Mr. Bosley said since the job was already started, it might as well be completed.  The Board agreed.


Todd Bosley continued by saying the pipe cost $5,600.00 and stated the Board did not make a Resolution to do this project.  Mr. Goffus said it was an emergency and stated the road superintendent could approve anything up to $5,000.00.  Mr. Bosley stated only ten feet of this project was an emergency – the other 80 feet was not.


Discussion was then held whether or not approval was needed by the Board to limit expenditures by department heads up to $5,000.00 or $2,500.00.


Much disagreement and a lot of discussion continued on this subject.


Brakes for #2 and #3 Trucks-$1,400.00-$2,000.00: Kevin reported new brakes are needed on two of the township dump trucks – the back brakes on the #2 truck costing $985.00 and the front brakes on the #3 truck costing $384.38.  Russ Goffus suggested getting one more estimate.  The Board agreed.  Kevin will report on this at the next meeting on August 11th.


Curb & Handicap Ramps-$1,050.00: The Board agreed to go ahead with the two ramps in Sunscape, the curbing that buckled on Alcorn and a catch basin on Alcorn.


Signs: Railroad Crossing Sign on Maplegrove and No Dumping Signs: The Board agreed to go ahead with the RAILROAD CROSSING sign on Maplegrove at a cost of $153.28 and two NO DUMPING signs in the 8600 block of Pilot Knob as well as one on Bosler at a cost of $43.00 per sign.


Road Striping-Yellow Line-$1,570.00: The Board agreed to go ahead with yellow striping Pilot Knob Avenue between Easton Street & Columbus Road, California Avenue and Peach Street.  The City of Louisville will stripe their portion of Peach Street.



Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



August 11, 2005 (cont.)




6131 Holderman Avenue – Pipe: The Board agreed the pipe at 6131 Holderman is in need of repair and agreed to go ahead and fix it.


Uniforms for Road Crew: The Board agreed it would be a good idea to purchase safety colored shirts, such as lime green or yellow, at a cost of $7.30 per shirt and the crew would provide their own jeans.


Road Report for August 11, 2005: Kevin read his written road report.  Russ Goffus motioned to accept the Road Report for August 11, 2005, as written, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Report attached)       (Res#05-190)




July 2005 Zoning Report for Stark County Auditor:  Virginia Macdonald motioned to accept the July 2005 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Report attached)        (Res#05-191)


Update Township Maps - $850.00: The Board agreed to purchase new township quarter section plat maps not to exceed $850.00.


Zoning Report for August 11, 2005: Keith read his written zoning report.  Todd Bosley motioned to accept the Zoning Report for August 11, 2005, as written, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Report attached)       (Res#05-192)




Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton Street complimented the fire department, suggested the township buy five or six shirts for each road-crew member and commented on the meeting between the City of Louisville and Nimishillen Township.


Steven Roberts of 6790 Pilot Knob Avenue commented on the Beck Road property, the annexation and the composting program.  Discussion followed.


Sheldon Smith of 3840 Sandell Avenue spoke on the Beck water line.  Discussion followed.


Lisa Shafer of 6590 Winter Street commented on the Resolution made at the July 14, 2005 Trustees meeting to hire Attorney Eric Williams to handle the annexation.


Dawne Friedman of 5362 Francesca Street questioned the Reno project and open ditch policy.  Todd Bosley read Res#03-114.  (Copy attached)  Much discussion followed.


Roger Haidet of 3245 Beck Avenue commented on the Beck water line stating that the City of Louisville has other options other than going through Nimishillen Township. Discussion followed.


Tom Phillips of 5263 Lesh Street announced he is running for trustee.  Regarding the Reno job, he asked where the water was coming from.  Mr. Goffus explained the water comes from SR62 explaining according to the Ohio Revised Code, the policy is… they receive the water and pass it on and the same goes for Nimishillen Township – we receive the water and pass it on.  Discussion was also held on the cost of the Reno job and the meeting between the City of Louisville and Nimishillen Township.


Terri Fidelholtz of 2828 Ravenna Avenue said she has pictures of the house in question off Beck Avenue that was built between zoning inspectors.


Linda Shier of 8710 Easton Street commented on the property that Jeffries owns.  She said he is playing the city and the township against each other.


Kevin Ellis of 1014 Danielle in the City of Louisville wanted to encourage everyone to attend the Louisville City Council meeting this coming Monday night at 7:00.




Prevailing Wage Seminar Update: Todd Bosley reported he attended this seminar and asked the township secretary to make copies of information for the other Board members.  (Copies attached)


Office Hours: Due to the recent audit, the office hours were changed from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  The township secretary requested to keep the new hours and the Board agreed (on a trial basis).  The Employee Handbook will be updated at a later date.  The zoning inspector will continue his current hours, which are Mondays and Wednesdays 11-4 and Fridays 9-2.  The road superintendent’s hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. –4 p.m.




Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



August 11, 2005 (cont.)




Special Meeting Wednesday, August 17th, 2005:


Extensive discussion was held on:

  • Possible annexation and Beck water line and possible meeting with Mr. Jeffries
  • Checking with Stark Development Board regarding any grants that have been applied for
  • Meeting with City of Canton and the possibility of buying water from them without annexation


After discussion on the above topics, the Board agreed to postpone the Special Meeting.  Clerk Carlene Harmon will call Paul Mastriacovo and email Tom Ault.


Residents speaking on the above topics were: Tom Phillips, Lisa Shafer and Greg Brooks with the Sherwood Corporation located at 4043 Beck Avenue.  Much light was shed on the water line and annexation.


Approval for Contract for Facilitator: Russ Goffus motioned to approve the contract for the facilitator as written seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)  (Res#05-193)


Louisville Area Chamber of Commerce-$120.00/Year: Russ Goffus motioned to pay the yearly dues of $120.00 to join the Louisville Area Chamber of Commerce seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.       (Res#05-194)


Louisville Water Line: Already discussed.


Township Attorney Dick Kuhn to overview Selective Insurance Coverage on Groffre Lawsuit: The Board agreed to have Attorney Dick Kuhn go over the Groffre Lawsuit file to see what is/is not covered.  Russ Goffus will call Jeannie Sacconi with Leonard Insurance and ask her if she would go over the file as well.


Clerk Harmon said she sent three letters (prepared by the auditor) to Attorney Latchney asking the same questions.


Executive Session: The Board agreed to go into Executive Session at the end of tonight’s meeting.




The Board agreed to postpone the mailing of the newsletter until the end of September or beginning of October.  Articles should be turned into Joanne Moody at the August 25th Trustees meeting.




Russ Goffus reported the Stark County Township Association meeting will be hosted by Osnaburg Township to be held August 18th at 6:30 p.m. at Dick & Sue Pero’s farm.  The deadline to RSVP is August 12th.  Spouses are invited.




Russ Goffus motioned to approve the Minutes from July 28, 2005, as written, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.        (Res#05-195)




Transfers made August 9, 2005 Per Res. #05-005: $400.00 from 01-A-26 to 01-A-15, $850.00 from 04-A-13 to 4-A-03 and $2,800.00 from 10-A-01 to 10-A-03 – for the purpose of Workers Comp.


Resolutions of Necessity and to Proceed – (Two Separate Resolutions):


Russ Goffus motioned for a Resolution declaring it necessary to submit the question of levying an additional tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for the fire department seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)      (Res#05-196)


Russ Goffus motioned for a Resolution to proceed with the submission of the question of levying an additional tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for the fire department seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached)     (Res#05-197)



Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



August 11, 2005 (cont.)






Virginia Macdonald motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of $216,337.20 seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Pending Warrant Report attached)        (Res#05-198)




Virginia Macdonald motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:55 p.m. for the purpose of discussing employee Kevin Swartz’s six-month probationary review as Road Superintendent seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.      (Res#05-199)


Virginia Macdonald motioned to come out of Executive Session at 10:40 p.m. seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.    (Res#05-200)


Russ Goffus motioned that after much thought and consideration, to raise Kevin’s salary from $33,000.00 per year to $38,000.00 per year effective next pay period with all days off the same as the road crew but without having to use vacation days, i.e. days after holidays, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.        (Res#05-201)




Russ Goffus motioned to sign checks and adjourn seconded by Virginia Macdonald.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.     (Res#05-202)


The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.





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______________________________                         __________________________________


                  CARLENE HARMON                              PRESIDENT






                                                                               TRUSTEE TODD D. BOSLEY

                                                                               VICE PRESIDENT






                                                                              TRUSTEE RUSSELL L. GOFFUS