Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



November 10, 2005




























































On Thursday, November 10, 2005, the Board of Trustees of Nimishillen Township met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. at the Nimishillen Township Hall located at 4422 Maplegrove NE with the following members present:  Trustee Vice President Todd D. Bosley, Trustee Russell L. Goffus and Clerk Carlene Harmon.  Trustee President Virginia K. Macdonald was absent from tonight’s meeting.


The meeting opened with the pledge of Allegiance.


Todd D. Bosley motioned to excuse Virginia Macdonald from tonight’s meeting, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  Res#05-253


Todd Bosley congratulated and introduced Trustee Elect Lisa Shafer and Mike Lynch.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: (Chief Rich Peterson)


Station #3 update: Rich reported things are moving along faster than anticipated.  Due to inclement weather, the asphalt was delayed but should be done either this week or next week.  The drywall is going in and things are moving along with that.


Meeting with SBC 911/CAD System: There was a meeting today with SBC to review the 911/CAD systems.  The two systems they looked at were Positron and Plant.  SBC services both of these systems.  SBC will provide pricing and other information.  Rich said it was a good meeting and an excellent presentation.


Resignation: Russ Goffus motioned to accept the resignation of Firefighter/EMT, Brian Pittman, to remain in good standing, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  Res#05-254


ROAD DEPARTMENT: (Superintendent Kevin Swartz)


Intersection at Schloneger and Nickelplate: Kevin reported a resident had asked if the County could look at the Schloneger and Nickelplate intersection.  Kevin said the County did look at it and gave their opinion as to what they think should be done.  There are two different ways to go.  One option is to have Nickelplate go all the way through and have Schloneger stop and the other option would be to have Schloneger and Nickelplate go straight through and have Nickelplate come to a stop in order to be able to see both ways easily.


Mr. Bosley asked Kevin what he thought should be done.  Kevin said the cheapest would be Nickelplate dead-ending into Schloneger.  To do it the other way, the hill on Nickelplate would have to be cut to ensure good visibility.


Mr. Goffus suggested plan one would be better making Nickelplate a through road but would be more costly and suggested Kevin get cost estimates both ways.  In the meantime, the Board agreed a ‘YIELD’ sign should be put up.  Kevin said he would order the sign and said it would take approximately one (1) week to get the sign.


Road Report: Todd Bosley motioned to approve the Road Report for November 10, 2005, as written, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached) Res#05-255




Zoning Resolution online by December 31st, 2005: Keith reported he is working on having the Zoning Resolution on our website by the end of December.


Set meeting with RPC: Keith suggested it would be good to set up a meeting with Regional Planning Commission to go over items to be added/deleted from the Zoning Resolution and asked the Board to make a list of things they would like to see added or deleted.  There was no further discussion.


Mr. Moran – 7432 Pilot Knob: Keith reported he sent a letter to Mr. Moran inviting him to attend tonight’s meeting and go before the Board to explain why he has not complied with zoning by putting a fence around his pool.  Mr. Lasure reported he received a reply from Mr. Moran stating he does, and always did, intend to comply.  A letter was sent to Mr. Moran giving him a deadline to comply.


Stark County Auditor’s Report: Todd Bosley motioned to approve the October 2005 Zoning Report for the Stark County Auditor, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  (Copy attached) Res#05-256




Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



November 10, 2005 (Cont.)






Zoning Report: Todd Bosley motioned to approve the Zoning Report for November 10, 2005, as written, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried (Copy attached) Res#05-257




Todd Bosley announced that tonight, we were not going to get into any personal agendas stating that over the past few meetings, the public speaks portion had turned into situations where someone would take on one individual.  He said public speaks is meant for the public to share and air their concerns about matters that affect the Trustees.  He said he hopes that tonight, everyone would abide by that policy.


Terri Huckels of 8730 Easton congratulated the two Trustees Elect and asked that they come to the Board with open minds and work for the township people and not special interests.  Mrs. Huckels said when residents step up to speak, they are allowed to speak and said they are addressing the Trustees with reasons that do concern them and said no one has the right to shut anyone up.  Conversation was held between Mrs. Huckels and Todd Bosley.


CONCERNS OF TRUSTEES: (Virginia K. Macdonald, Todd D. Bosley, Russell L. Goffus)


Office closed: Todd Bosley reminded everyone the Township Offices would be closed Friday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans’ Day and November 24th & 25th in observance of Thanksgiving.  Due to Thanksgiving, the next Trustees’ Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 22nd.


Groffre Investments lawsuit: Todd Bosley suggested a special meeting should be set before the next Trustees’ Meeting to discuss pending litigation with Groffre Investments.  Russ Goffus agreed as long as Attorney, John Latchney, would be in attendance.  Secretary, Sharon Shaub, said she would call Mr. Latchney and find out when he would be available, set up the meeting and notify the Trustees.




Estimate for 4344 Swallen: Kevin reported in the spring of this year, they installed a driveway drain for Mr. Domer at 4344 Swallen but it was installed too low.  Because of this, Mr. Domer’s RV drags as he pulls in and out of his driveway.  In order to solve the problem, the road crew would have to go approximately 25 feet off the road right-of-way and redo part of the driveway behind the drain.


Kevin reported the cost would be $1,600.00 if the township busted out the concrete and $2,170.00 if someone else busted out the concrete.


Since the work would be approximately 25 feet off the road right of way, Todd Bosley suggested a letter should be written to the Stark County Prosecutor for a legal opinion asking if the Township can go on private property to fix the drain problem.  Either the Township Secretary or Todd Bosley will write the letter.




Kevin thanked all the Township residents for passing the road levy renewal.




Russ Goffus reported a letter was received from Mike Rehfus with the Stark County Engineers giving all seventeen (17) Townships the opportunity to save money and reduce paperwork for the paving program for next year.  The Board agreed this is a good idea and agreed to fill out the form and return it by the December 31st, 2005 deadline.




Todd Bosley motioned to approve the Minutes for October 27, 2005, as written, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. Res#05-258






Nimishillen Township Board of Trustees



November 10, 2005 (Cont.)






The following transfers were made per Res#05-005: On November 4, 2005 - $7,000.00 from 11-B-02 Materials to 11-B-01 Salaries and $2,000.00 from 23-A-02 PERS to 23-B-01 Salaries and on November 5, 2005 - $20,000.00 from 10-A-06 Building to 10-A-01 Salaries.


Rescind Res#05-249: Carlene reported that due to her illness at the last meeting, she was not able to pull the Resolution to transfer 1-C-01 to 10-A-01 from the agenda and asked the Board for a Resolution to rescind Res#05-249.  She said she talked to the State Auditor’s Office and came up with a better method to put money back into the Fire Department.


Russ Goffus motioned to rescind Res#05-249 to transfer 1-C-01 to 10-A-01, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. Res#05-259


Executive Session: Carlene requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel.  Russ Goffus motioned to go into Executive Session at 7:26 p.m. to discuss personnel – employee annual review, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  Res#05-260


Todd Bosley motioned to come out of Executive Session at 7:40 p.m., seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  Res#05-261




Todd Bosley motioned to approve all Purchase Orders, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. Res#05-262




Russ Goffus motioned to approve the Financial Report and pay bills in the amount of $23,082.23, seconded by Todd Bosley.  All voted yes.  Motion carried. (Copy attached) Res#05-263




Todd Bosley motioned to sign checks and adjourn, seconded by Russ Goffus.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  Res#05-264


The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.































































































































______________________________                         __________________________________


                  CARLENE HARMON                             VIRGINIA K. MACDONALD






                                                                               TRUSTEE VICE PRESIDENT

                                                                               TODD D. BOSLEY







                                                                              RUSSELL L. GOFFUS