January 9, 2006

7:00 P.M.


Board Members Present:      Dennis Haas, Chairman

Nicholas Reynolds, Vice Chairman

Louise Vance, Secretary

Phyllis McKean

Dale Riggenbach


Trustee(s) Present:               Todd D. Bosley

                                                Lisa R. Shafer

                                                Michael L. Lynch


Zoning Inspector:                  Keith Lasure


Purpose:                                 Schalmo Builders - requesting a variance for 10,956 sq. ft.

instead of the allowed 12,000 sq. ft. as required in Sec. 702.3 of

the Nimishillen Township Zoning Resolution – property located

on Morgan Taylor Circle NE, Lot #6


Chairman Dennis Haas opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and introduced the Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Inspector and Township Secretary.  Mr. Haas swore in everyone in attendance by asking them to swear that the information they were about to present, either in oral or written form, was true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.  The people responded by stating, “I do”.


Timothy R. Barta of 5754 Morgan Taylor Circle NE, Louisville, representative for Schalmo Builders, stepped to the podium stating his property runs adjacent to Lot #6 and intersects his lot and the lot that faces Columbus Road.  He stated Schalmo purchased the lot next to his lot to build a house.  He said it is Schalmo’s desire to give him that piece of ground so he can maintain it.


Dennis Haas asked if the trail on the map is where the trees are located.  Mr. Barta stated there are some pine trees and below the ditch there’s a fence, which was there when the original farmhouse was built.


Phyllis McKean asked if the strip of land was surveyed and included on his property.  Mr. Barta said if the variance were granted tonight, it would be surveyed and re-platted into his lot.


With no correspondence received at the office and no one to speak either for or against this variance, Mr. Haas asked for a motion for a ballot vote.


Nicholas Reynolds motioned for a ballot vote, seconded by Louise Vance.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.







Voting went as follows:


Dale Riggenbach         -           Yes

Phyllis McKean           -           Yes

Nicholas Reynolds      -           Yes

Louise Vance               -           Yes

Dennis Haas                -           Yes


Chairman Haas stated the variance was APPROVED and instructed Mr. Barta to make arrangements to meet with Mr. Lasure to get his permit.


Old Business:  There was no old business.


New Business:  Keith Lasure reported there would be two (2) variances for next month – maybe three (3).  Discussion was held regarding the pending case on Johannings Cabinets.


Approval of Minutes: Phyllis McKean motioned to approve the Minutes, as written, from November 7th, 2005 seconded by Nicholas Reynolds.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.


Organizational Meeting: Since the Board of Trustees have not yet appointed a Zoning Board of Appeals member, Phyllis McKean motioned to postpone the Organizational Meeting until the February 6, 2006 meeting, seconded by Louise Vance.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.


Adjournment: Louise Vance motioned to adjourn seconded by Phyllis McKean.  All voted yes.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.






                                                                        Dennis Haas, Chairman






                        Louise Vance, Secretary





Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes Folder:  ZBA – 2006, January 9 Minutes – Schalmo Bldrs.