MARCH 7, 2005

7:00 P.M.


Board Members Present:      Nicholas Reynolds, Vice Chairman, Louise Vance, Secretary,

Phyllis McKean, and Dale Riggenbach


Board Members Absent:       Dennis Haas, Chairman


Trustee(s) Present:              


Zoning Inspector:                  Keith Lasure



  • Susan Fahey, 5213 Eshelman – Conditional Zoning Certificate
  • Evergreen Memorial Gardens – Conditional Zoning Certificate


Vice Chairman Nicholas Reynolds opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and introduced the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Mr. Reynolds swore in everyone in attendance by asking them to swear that the information they were about to present, either in oral or written form, was true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.  The people responded by stating, “I do”.


The first case that was heard was Susan and Peter Fahey of 5213 Eshelman NE.  Mr. Fahey stepped to the podium requesting a variance for a Conditional Zoning Certificate for a home occupation for a dance studio.  He stated they have five acres and their home sits about 500 feet off the road.  The dance studio is in a finished room in the basement.  Everything is indoors so there is no disruptive noise to bother the neighbors.  Mr. Fahey stated there is plenty of parking space; however, most parents drop off the student and come back to pick up.  The dance studio is only open during the school year.  It is closed in the summer.


There was no correspondence, either in written or oral form.


Since there were no more questions and there was no one in the audience to speak either for or against this variance, Vice Chairman Reynolds asked for a motion for a ballot vote.  Louise Vance motioned for a ballot vote seconded by Phyllis McKean.  The variance for the Conditional Zoning Certificate was APPROVED.  The voting went as follows:


                                           Phyllis McKean    -  Yes

                                           Dale Riggenbach  -  Yes

                                           Nic Reynolds       -  Yes

                                           Louise Vance        -  Yes


The second case heard was Evergreen Memorial Gardens located at 2698 Broadway NE.  Representative for Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Kathy Solvey of 3300 Beck NE, stepped to the podium requesting a variance for a Conditional Zoning Certificate for the construction of a mausoleum, which will be 24 x 36, and for an existing mausoleum. 



The existing mausoleum sits off Bosler Street.  Phyllis McKean asked if the existing mausoleum was there before 1959 and Ms. Solvey stated that it was not. 


An anonymous resident called the zoning office concerned about the location of the new mausoleum.  Mr. Lasure answered his questions and the resident was satisfied.  Mr. Reynolds asked if the cemetery straddled the property line and Mr. Lasure stated that it did.


Since there were no more questions and there was no one in the audience to speak either for or against this variance, Vice Chairman Reynolds asked for a ballot vote.  Louise Vance motioned for a ballot vote seconded by Dale Riggenbach.  The variance for the Conditional Zoning Certificate was APPROVED.  The voting went as follows:


                                           Dale Riggenbach  -  Yes

                                           Phyllis McKean    -  Yes

                                           Nic Reynolds       -  Yes

                                           Louise Vance        -  Yes


Old Business/New Business:  There was no old business or new business.


Approval of Minutes from February 7, 2005:  Phyllis McKean motioned to approve the minutes as written seconded by Louise Vance.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


Adjournment:  Phyllis McKean motioned to adjourn seconded by Louise Vance.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.






                                                                        Nicholas Reynolds, Vice-Chairman






                        Louise Vance, Secretary